
Illustration: Blood Angels Death Company

A very quick update today.
Some time ago I showed you this illustration about Blood Angels's Primarch Sanguinius during Horus Heresy. I also did this other one about Blood Angels, depicting a member of the so called Death Company.
Just experimenting with acrylics

If you don't know what's all this about, I'll tell you the short version. The guy in the other post, Sanguinius, is the genetic father of these enhanced warriors. He was slain in a quite bloody gory way, sacrificing himself and by that allowing the victory of the Emperor of Mankind. However, his death was so traumatic that it was somehow imprinted in the psyche of his genetic sons and thus transmitted generation after generation. Because of that, even nowadays some of the Blood Angels warriors begin to have some ominous visions in the even of an important battle. They believe they are Sanguinius himself and feel transported to the day of his death, during the ultimate battle for Terra, a date of special significance for them.
So they come 'insane' with visions and succumb to the so called 'Red Thirst'. They repaint their armours in black and charge against the enemy with total contempt about their own life.

Okay, but I'm talking too much. Crazy genetic-augmented warriors, that's all you need to know now ;).
Crazy I said

I was quite satisfied with the illustration when I did it (the idea of the gigantic warrior emerging from the battle fog charging threateningly), but now that I see it again I can't but find lots of embarrassing mistakes. Proportion and perspective mostly. The light and colour problems are due to my lack of skills with acrylics, nothing else.

It's been ages since I don't draw or paint anything, I'd like to take it up again, but I have looots of pending work on minis to do. I'm afraid I've lost all practice and any remaining skill, but I'd really like to come back again to this way and see if I can improve.
Who knows, maybe someday...


  1. Congratulation for your painting
    Very good impression of movement

    1. Thanks! I'm not happy with this one, but it was an entertainment and a lesson for some things :)

  2. Los brazos están mal pero la cara está muy conseguida. Pintas muy bien, y también esculpes bien, cabr#n ;-)

    1. Buf, gracias, pero tengo mucho que practicar y que aprender, ¡me queda un mundo por delante!

  3. Un trabajo fantástico Suber, También tienes tus sorpresas guardadas he...
    Un gran saludo.

    1. Muchas gracias, viniendo de un artista como tú es un halago. Ya digo, no estoy contento, pero aprendí cosas haciéndolo.

    2. Di que sí, Siempre he apostado por la practica como el mejor modo de aprender, y por su puesto va muy enlazada con la constancia que ya es un poco mas de difícil de mantener, pero veras que si sigues practicando puedes conseguir corregir esos errores.
      Hay una serie de libros para dibujo básico muy interesantes de los que puedes sacarles mucho provecho, "Dibujar paso a paso" de Doug DuBosque y Damon J. Reinagle, Editorial: Evergreen
      Un saludo Suber.

    3. ¡Muchas gracias! Lo buscaré. Me gustaría sacar tiempo para volver a dedicarme al dibujo, pero me faltan horas para todo... ¡Agradezco tu apoyo y ánimo!
