
The roar of the boar

 It's been some weeks since I don't post. Please insert regular excuses about real life here.

I took this old mini that needed some refurbishing. Silly me, as I'm currently working on different stuff at the same time, I totally forgot to take WIP pics of this until it was really too late to make any sense.

It's an old Rogue Trader Ork cyboar rider, which had the boar's head missing, so I had to sculpt it. The result is... crude, but fun nevertheless. Here you have the only pics I've taken:

Colour blast

I'm not particularly strict about Ork Clanz, as my current army is more Rogue Trader than 2nd Ed, so I felt more or less free about colours. Bone white for the armoured parts of the cyboar looked nice, and I built it colour-wise from that point on. You can see the army marking on the pic above, the horned skull over red field.

Alien boars look like that. Very alien boars

The sculpt didn't end up as well as I would have liked, but it can pass as some kind of furry xenos of the same family as boars, which is enough for me. In fact, as the whole body is mechanical, I could have sculpted literally any kind of animal. A camel would have been nice, now that I think of it.

Anyway, not a nice fella to mess up with

Even not using Snakebite Clan colours, I painted a snake on the boar. It's in a Celtic fashion, I guess, making a design and biting it's own tail. I wouldn't dare to call it Beithir nor Ouroboros, but it simply looked nice in that way, along the trimming on the rider's coat. I mean, there's not much more to it.

There's also another snake on his back!

I currently don't have more cyboars, so I faced this one as some standalone project, something feasible while I do some other stuff. I'm finding it fun to get these old minis back, so take for granted I'll be doing more RT in the near future ;)


  1. A so coluorful ork: you enriched it with very nice freehand details that make it unique. The head you sculpted is not that of a classic wild boar, but rather reminds us of a prehistoric animal: it's probabily a rare specimen of "paleoaper Suberi"!

    1. LOL! You made my day with the Paleoaper suberi XD Who knows what strange creatures dwell beyond the stars? :P

  2. I think the Cyboar head you've sculpted is better than the original one Suber, and looks far more alien as well, which is a good think in my book. Great colour choices as well, and as it's Rogue Trader era, who's to say that there isn't other Ork clans other than the ones GW endorse, after all there is a 1000 space marine chapters ! LOL

    1. Thank you! As I sculpted it I was painfully aware that it really wasn't a boar, but that didn't stop me. As long as it looks in place (and properly colourful!) everything is OK in my book :)

  3. Nice work - it's been a long time since I saw one of these guys. The sculpted eye on the boar is especially good.

    1. Thank you! I've realised how much do I miss sculpting this kind of stuff. I'm far from professional -but of course that's not my aim! I enjoyed it all, an that's what counts :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! Kind of unexpected, but I let myself go and came up with this!

  5. Rescuing incomplete old minis deserves my highest respects. Excellent job on that.

    1. Oh, thank you! I still have quite a lot of RT stuff pending, I can't decide what to do next!

  6. Dude, that head turned out great! Inspiring work, it gives me the notion that perhaps I should dig out my old snake bite boarboyz and slap some paint on them this year...

    1. Thanks, man! Oh, you totally should! They are fun as hell, I'd love to see your work on some of those!

  7. Excellent conversion work on your cyboar and splendid painting as always!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you! It looks properly weird, I hope! (Which should be weirdly proper, I guess...)

  8. The cyboar looks a real brute and very suitable for an ork boss.

    1. Thanks! There's something about the sheer bulk of the mini that looks intimidating!

  9. That boar head is fantastic! I love the big nose on it. I can totally see it as some alien variant of the earthen boar!

    1. Haha, thanks! It surely can find some xeno truffles anywhere!

  10. Love the boar head! A "realistic" boar wouldn't fit the cartoonish character of the whole sculpt anyways.
    The freehand is spot on as well!

    1. Thank you! I never considered the option of getting a new plastic head or whatever, I thought it really needed that cartoon look, glad you like it!!

  11. He looks magnificent Suber. A suitably ferocious ride for a ferocious Ork.

    1. Thank you! They have that sweet balance between the fierce and the goofy, and I love it :)

  12. I love that you've added some extra ork glyphs into the paint job as well.

    1. Thanks! I tried to keep some balance between the classic Orkiness and something slightly different :)

  13. Lovely stuff ad so vibrant - I have a box of old Rogue Trader Space Orks I'm really looking forward to at some point - I have to be disciplined but you're making it tricky! At least I'm painting Snotlings at the moment so not a million miles away.
    The head really suits it and I'd imagine the amount of scar tissue that boar would have from charging about with its souped up engines might explain why it looks a bit different! XD

    1. Thank you very much! Oh, I'd love to see your greenskins, go get them!!

  14. It is getting harder and harder for me to post as well. Is it just me or as we get older time seems to fly by faster and faster :)

    1. Ahh, time is so increasingly elusive!
