
Project HeroQuest: Tombs

Hi there! HeroQuest day again :)

After painting the green tide, I needed a change. So I went for some scenery. Don't know how, along the years I've ended up owning three tombs. You know, these things happen.
Enough for my own private mausoleum

 The painted one is the original tomb, I mean, the one that came with my game back in 1989. Painted with enamels by then, as you can obviously see. Ah, crazy youth...

I didn't want the plain cardboard, but something with some bas-relief. So I toyed with the idea of sculpting the motifs directly on the original cardboard. I immediately put the idea apart, didn't want to harm the originals.

Cardboard from a fridge magnet brought directly from the city of London. You know, promoting tourism

But then, when I reached this stage... I simply knew I'm way too lazy to sculpt all that. And I know you know that too. So I just plundered my bits. Let's see what happened:

For the original one, the simplest of the designs, crosses of Malta

Some bits here and there

 Of course you didn't expect the three tombs to be just the same, did you? I severed the knight's head and substituted it with a helmet from a Knight of the Empire (allegedly). I really don't know what the hell I did with the torso, I just happened to have the helmet (but still had to put some green stuff to fill in). I also added a shield, a coupe of swords as a bas-relief and... well, skulls. I realize my subconscious must have some GW spot over there. But I really thought that if there was a place to put some skulls, it really was a tomb.
Anycase, I tried a different approach for the third one:

A flying tomb!
The knight has a green stuff moustache and the rest of the bits come from Dark Angels and Grey Knights Space Marines. The wings somehow reminded me a Gondorian style, so I thought it was worth of a try. The guardian angel looks neutral enough to be part of a mausoleum or stuff like that.
Knights in black

 Of course I also was too lazy to paint marble or beautiful white stone. Old reliable greyscale was more than enough for my time and skill:

The whole mausoleum looks like this:

Quite simple, but I believe it's effective. At least it is enough for my gaming scenery standards, hehe.

Well, now I can set my mind for another different thing... until I come back to HeroQuest.
I'm afraid I will be keeping a low profile for the next few weeks again, but I'll try to blog as much as I can. See you! :)


  1. I don't know why it took me so many years to fail to paint mine but seeing what you did. great additions to give some variety and I hope you know have a necromancer in the line to raise those heroes from their tombs !

    1. Haha, thank you! I can't find the Necromancer from the wizards expansion set, but I'll find out a solution ;)
      Glad you like them :)

  2. Well done. As usual little changes make news models, is your personal signature. But I think the paintjob is too basic...I mean, you have not even given the clasic "dark flesh wash" to the stone, an old trick to make it look warm and deeper.
    But well...maybe i´m too picky

    1. As a matter of fact I didn't want it to look warm at all, it is a deliberate effect. The wash you suggest is on a brown colour basis; the wash I used here is made of a blue/green mix, a cold colours combination, something gloomy for the tombs.
      Now that I am having a closer peek at the pics it is true that the light has burnt the colours, that's a shame. I might have to take some pics again. Anycase, thaks for the tip!

    2. Ah...the infamous "bad photo curse"

  3. Wonderful work. I've also got several of these kicking around the place. Maybe one day I'll spruce them up much like yours.

    But that'd be some way off with everything I've got going on right now.

    Cheers for the inspiration :)

    1. Thank you! I encourage you to take them out and give them some love! It won't take you too much time and it is useful to get some fresh air when you are committed to other projects :)

  4. Lovely job. I never actually played heroquest which is a shame as I had the game and most the expansions as a kid but couldn't understand the rules lol. Nevermind!

    1. Oh, sir, that is a shame indeed! Seriously, give it a try! Whenever I finish painting mine, I'll play some games, I'll try to hook you then...

  5. Very creative Suber. :)
    Did you have to remove the old paints you applied or just spayed primer over it?

    1. Thanks! I just primed over the paint. The model is not that detailed that it makes it essential to remove the old paint to keep the details.
      I tend to prefer lazy... ehhrm... I mean simple solutions :D

  6. I like the simple conversions you have done to those 3 tombs, it makes them stand out so much better, shame the photo's left the colour wash look flat.

    1. My pics are definitely horrible :( You can see that all over the blog. I'm trying to work on that, but I suck when it comes to this :(
