
The games within a game

Another long-time debt that can finally be paid. Hooray!

Let me tell you what debt I'm talking about. Long time ago, Mr. Whiskey Priest was generous enough to reward me with a mini on a contest over his blog; not only that, he also gave away these wonderful BOYL 14 tables:
This was last October. Here is the related blog post from then
Those tables provided me a crazy idea. An arcade room! Not that much later, it all settled in my mind. Amazing Cheetor provided me with all these additional tables! Wow!
Wonderful, jaw dropping gift.
Thank you, guys. Your generosity makes this possible.

OK, so there was no step back. I needed a place for this arcade. It took me some time. A shameful amout of time. But I finally found the solution thanks to LaserCutCard:
This time I've saved you all the cut & paste steps!
This building was just perfect for my purposes. Not only the shape and size were cool, but it also provided me these interior views:
It was asking for some stuff!
I've talked before about these buildings. Really nice choice, cool and unexpensive solution to any scenery requirements. Now it needed some colour...
Step by step, little by little
Technically I could have left the door open as well as the windows, but I liked the gloomy aspect and it would make everything easier later on for storage purposes.
You didn't expect it to be clean, did you?
I attacked then the gaming tables. Beautiful pieces, believe me, I'm amazed, they are gorgeous:

The sci-fi ones
WHFB 9th Ed., apparently :D
But I also crossed paths with some other beauties from Euphoria. It was necessary, you know...

Old, dirty, oldschool billiard pool

No dive is worh of the name without darts

Any memories?

Once again, it was necessary :D

One like this took a frakkin' amount of money from me back in the day...

Fortunately the pack only included two machines, I could have filled a whole arcade out of oldschool videogames :D

I finally found the pieces to build this simple table:

You may want to let the Wookie win...

So when all of them are put together you get something like this...

Arcade machines background sound

With some minis for scale

After weathering the outer part, you can see it fits perfectly:

Called it 'Flynn's' after the Tron 2 movie arcade

Ready to play?

The kit also provides a huge billboard. Still undecided of what ads could I use for this ambientation, but something will come to mind, for sure ;)
Besides, that open flat area is surely asking for scratchbuilt storeys or some stuff like that... Will have to take care of that...


  1. Love it! That is brilliant. Great little details for the table.

    1. Thank you! I still may add some stuff for the walls or something, but for the moment it's enough for me!

  2. Wow that looks excellent! Super job :)

    1. Thank you very much! I never thought I was ever doing anything like this, but you know, this is the way projects turn up :D

  3. Wow, just excellent ! It's like 2 childhood dreams into one : models and arcade games. 4 thumbs up !

    1. Haha, thank you! Maybe I should have made two separate facilities for them, but hey, it works this way! :D

  4. Amazing. That you managed to paint those Ryu & Ken is amazing.

    1. Haha, you noticed! They were tricky, but terribly fun to paint :P

  5. Me encanta, ese montón de cosillas

    1. Muchas gracias, ha sido una locura colocar todo, pero creo que merece la pena :)

  6. This is one of those pieces that transcends the hobby and turns into a work of art. Amazing stuff.
    An idea: One of your little wargaming tables needs to have a mini arcade on it... and you should fill that mini arcade with even smaller gaming tables...

    1. Hahaha! Let me study that plan... :D
      Thank you, seriously :)

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you! Weirdest things arre the funniest! :D

  8. Brilliant! Love it. A great idea very well executed.


    1. Thank you! These absurd projects are usually the most enjoyable ones!

  9. This is just so fantastic and so cool! (....must use the word 'heavy').
    I really love the idea of an arcade hall, and the figures , and the name.."Flynns.." - Me Like!!
    Your blogg is getting me in the mood, always! Thanks !
    Have this idea of an arcade hall-shoot-out in an old game called DMZ, remeber it?

    1. Haha, thank you very much! Glad you like it!! :D

  10. Im glad that you got to use those tables. The arcade machines are just great too, fantastic :)

    1. Thank you, Cheetor, they are simply lovely. You made this possible, thanks, mate!
