
Muties! (Pt. 7, mutant ride)

Sometimes inspiration comes in strange ways. Some weeks ago I made a mistake and bought a different set of razor blades than the usual ones. Main difference is that the blister holding them is bulkier than my regular razor blades. No, wait, keep reading, I promise I'm going to the point right now. When I had it in my hands I suddenly knew I had to do something with it...

OK, we can convene that a roller coaster is way too much. Even for me
If you don't see the thing I envisioned then, just give me some narrow margin. I was suddenly struck by an image of childhood. GIJOE's Oktober Guard Six-Wheeler. I mean this:

If I recall it corectly, comic by Larry Hama and Herb Trimpe, with some glorious stuff by Michael Golden
You still don't see it. Well, cannot blame you. Some oyumaru and bits later, I came to this:

Now we're getting to something
Greenstuff for the seats and more bits to make it look like what I was intending to achieve.

Aha. Now you get a glimpse of the actual thing
I didn't want a plain grey, but not a flashy red either. I thought this would look nice for its purpose:

More or less my original concept. Yes, this is the kind of things I see when at the supermarket
So, with a couple of mutants from the batch I still have pending, this is what I got:

Crossbow from antoher GIJOE old mini, 'Road Pig'. Seemed to fit as main weapon for this vehicle
If a Rhino can hold ten Space Marines, imagine how many mutants fit in here

Not classy, not comfy... but perfecly suitable for these fellas!

Just take it to the desert!
I decided to give it to the muties just because I'm with them at the moment, but the vehicle design (design... whatever) is neutral enough to fit in a number of bands or ambientations. Any civilian industrial carrier, or if you set proper guns on it, you can even give it some military purpose. In fact I think it can make its role for a Genestealer cult (wink, wink).

As I'm posting the pics I realise it needs license plates! Hm. That is to be solved. Anyway, I hope you find this, if not useful, at least funny! RT concept, recycling whatever you have at hand and making a tiny vehicle from scratch.
I'm with the rest of the mutants, hopefully coming soon!


  1. Now thats old skool. Before you know it you will be making hover tanks out of roll on deodorant canisters!

    1. Haha, now I'm looking eagerly at every piece in the house, looking for possibilities :D

    2. Yes - the true wargamer transforms junk into magic. You have just leveled-up!

    3. Thanks, haha! Now I can only envision space ships wherever I look into the house...

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! Funny and cheap, cannot ask for more!

  3. Brilliant! A really convincing transformation. Know what I'm looking for next time I'm at the shops (even if I do use an electric shaver!)

    1. Thank you! For sure that shaver also has an interesting shape, just add some wheels and see where that leads you :D :D

  4. Looking good squire. That's an admirable piece of scratch building.

    1. Thank you! The good thing is that you don't need to care about it looking pretty. The grittier, the better!

  5. That's a nice vehicle you build, looking good.
    I've always admired how some see possibilities instead of waste in the smallest of things. Well done!

    1. Thanks! You see, sometimes the answer is pretty obvious and it's just in front of you but don't get to see it. Then suddenly, bam! There it is!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! Glad you like it, you can see it wields no mistery at all :)

  7. Wonderfully inventive,the spirit of Blue Peter in the 70s lives on!

    1. Haha, thank you! :D I think I have an old mouse from that computer that I could use for.... :D

  8. That's the best thing I've seen since the deodorant bottle spaceship!

    1. Haha, thank you so much! RT spirit rules! :D

  9. Great use of packaging to create something new, your imagination in looking at the shapes and creating something from them is truly a skill. There's a trash bash facebook group out there that solely does this kind of thing.

    1. Oh, shame I don't FB, those groups usually are the best source of inspiration :) But I can say there is something addictive in this recycling stuff!

  10. Maybe I shouldn't have given up shaving :)

    Cool kitbashing Suber!

    1. Haha! Well, I'm a bearded guy, so it will take months until I need new razors :D

  11. This is a wonderful conversion and an awesome flashback. It amuses me that I see a lot of similarities with some GW kits to some old G.I.Joe toys (the Necron "Trouble-bubbles", the marine flyer that resembles a Skyhawk, etc). Fun stuff.

    1. Thank you! I can see what you say, it's a whole thing. The newer GW stuff has gone deeper into the toy-ish design, but I think I can recall a number of GIJOE kits much cooler than these!

  12. What I really want to know is:
    Were any Suberlings deprived of a shave as a result of this project?

    2nd great instructional scratchbuild in a row. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Haha! No intended harm was done to anybody within Suberhome :D
      Man, I'm still far from your scratchbuilding skills, your stuff is just a whole new level! :)

  13. Great work! Now you just need another five for terrain/heists/races.

    I started a Dredd inspired pickup truck a while back, and this reminds me I really ought to get back to it sometime.

    1. Hehe, then you better take it back! We wanna see it!! But beware, I'm already looking for more possibilities for rubbish cars :D

  14. Oh you are a clever Suber... bloody brilliant mate!

    1. Thank you so much! A fun project and done at almost zero cost. Hmmm, what else can I recycle...?

  15. Replies
    1. ¡Jaja, gracias! Son de esas cosas que vienen de repente. Las ves, sin más. ¡Y entonces no puedes descansar hasta que las has acabado! :D

  16. Thanks! Pretty fun to build too!

  17. jajaja
    Esta genial tio, super original X'D

    1. ¡Gracias! Rompe un poco con la estética habitual, así que yo encantado :D

  18. What an amazing little vehicle! This is something I definitely want to try :D I think my favourite parts are actually the crew, that wizened driver leaning nonchalantly on the door while the gunner braces himself with his little tentacle - perfectly realised! :)

    1. Thanks!! The crew muties were totally fun to do, the arms and poses gave me the attitude. I should have added a tiny Elvis made of an Epic soldier :D

  19. That was genius Suber! I love how it turned out. :)

    1. Thank you! An unexpected development that became an actual thing! :D
