
Descent on a budget: Lady Eliza Farrow

The crazy thing of being involved in several projects at a time is that you hardly see real progress on any of them. However, I still find it stimulating. I mean, that's for now. One day I'll wake up and decide to fully commit myself to a single thing until I got it finished. But until that day arrives, I'm coming back to Descent. Today, Lady Eliza Farrow.
All we get to know about her is that she's a fancy vampire lady, so the mini of choice was this one:

Yup. An almost naked lady vampire. Right from a 70's movie
As we didn't really need Vampirella to steal the show, I thought of a closer approach to the original illustration, i.e., a highborn looking lady with a taste for death. Or undeath. Whatever.

I made the dress with greenstuff and redid the cloak. I also thought that the orb in her hand could be repurposed. I cut it in two and made a goblet out of it:

There was a lot of flesh to dress!
Ony after I had finished her I realized with horror that I had painted a vampire Elsa (ouch!)

Snow! We need more snow!
Sorry, but we are sticking to what it's been made, no repainting for now. I guess she can be used for Frostgrave or something too... :D


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Sculpting clothes is a pain in the ass, but I need to practice, so... dresses, dresses!

  2. Clever conversion work, especially the goblet. But Elsa, ha ha, that's too funny!

    1. Thank you! I think it was the better way of repurposing the raised hand without totally severing it. The orb could have remained, of course, but the idea of the lady toasting with a goblet full of blood looked irresistible, hehe.
      Now I need to add snow and ice to the base :D :D :D

  3. Elsa? She looks more like the sleeping beauty to me 😊.
    A beautiful conversion anyway!

    1. :D :D :D
      Thanks, I still have to decide who will come up next!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'm getting fond of tailoring :D

  5. Nice conversion and she has painted up fabulously.

    1. Thank you! It's rewarding to see any progress on this, hehe :)

  6. Cool! Nice work on dressing her mate, looks good to me! Also, very refreshing to see a vamp in something other than black or red :-)

    1. Thank you! Haha, right, the red and/or black is quite a classic, it was time to dress a vampire in blue; or in a female vampire case, to dress her at all for a change!!

  7. Your mastery of greenstuff and conversions leaves me in awe.
    She looks just great. Her dress and cape have such good looking folds.

    1. Thank you! Well, I feel I still have to improve a lot precisely in foldings and that kind of stuff, but I think I see some progress from earlier works. I'll find the way to make dresses for more minis! :D

  8. Genial el resultado... una vez pintado no se nota para nada la masilla, parece todo integrado en la propia mini o sea que no se puede criticar nada! jajaja

    1. ¡Gracias! La ropa es un dolor de cabeza; los pliegues, la caída de la tela... nada, a seguir practicando, jeje.

  9. Great work with the green stuff again Suber. I tried make a simple bat for a Harley Quinn lookalike but it turned out looking terrible as I may one day show to my shame. -_- ^_^

    1. Oh, I'm far from satisfied with the result, but it works, so no complains ^^
      Looking forward to seeing what you did!
