
More Victorian Gothic (with 60% less of horror)

You may remember the Victorian Gothic Horror minis I painted for a friend as a replace for his Fury of Dracula game a few weeks ago. Well, after some productive discussion about the bases, we decided they needed some additional work, as they had too much colour. I came with the idea of some kind of Victorian-like trimming, which still allowed to see the colour but made the bases quite more discreet. So this was the result:
It takes some time and it's sanity points consuming, but catches the vibe
But what's the reason behind this colour obsession? Easy, so my pal can also use them for the A Study in Emerald game, in which the agents are colour designated. But that game has some characters of its own. Using the same West Wind Productions Empire of the Dead minis (and the same approach), this is what I can show you. First of all, elementarily, Sherlock Holmes:

In the most Basil Rathbone tradition
But what is Holmes without Watson?

Trust me, I'm a doctor
For Moriarty, my pal and I both agreed that we wanted something different, something more lighthearted among all this grimdarkness. That's because we both had this in mind:

IMDb reference, just in case (seriously?)
Well. One thing I discovered is that light lilac doesn't work for a suit, no matter what you do. So I dressed him up all in cream/white, and added some purple touches to stick to the original source:

Only the bold and the brave dare to dress like this in Victorian London
We also have another two agents. With no special idea in mind (i.e., not thinking of particular characters), I simply painted them in what I thought would look in place for the ambientation:

Best tweed vest in the market

He only needs a pocket watch to be 10 out of 10

Here you have them all:

We can also play Ludo

There's only one piece missing now in this dual-purpose project, the vampire himself for the Fury of Dracula game. I've already placed an order to Otherworld, so I'll let you know when he arrives.
Project nearly finished!


  1. Superb, Suber! All great, but the chap with the pinstripes is the pick of them for my money. His face is excellent - so much character.

    1. Thank you! Working on real fashion, instead of sci-fi armour or so, is fun, being so different from my usual stuff. Watson has pinstripes trousers too, but they don't show well in the pics. I really wanted to try that effect in clothing, and I couldn't find a better chance to do so!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! The minis are great, the sculpt demands you certain things, so the work is easier :)

  3. Very nice. I really enjoyed painting my EOTD. These have turned out great and your friend will be chuffed with them.

    1. The whole range is inspiring, the problem is that right now I'd fancy to paint some more!

  4. The figures are fantastic! Yeah I went there! Those freehand symbols on the bases have blown my mind, such a great compliment to the figures. Well done sir!

    1. Thank you! The minis are sweet, and I hope the freehand suits them. It required some heavy dedication, but I think it was worth of it :)

  5. I like your solution to the colors on the bases. Very period feel, and it compliments your excellent brushwork on the figures themselves.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you like it! I approached it as a mere ornament, so it didn't draw too much attention, but giving a 'completion' feeling to the minis. Not recommended for a 100 minis full army though!! :D

  6. These are fantastic, well done sir!

    1. Thank you! This took me out of my comfort zone, lots of stuff learned!

  7. Agradecido de corazón por el trabajo realizado. Quedarán para la posteridad en mi colección. Nice work!

    1. ¡Gracias a ti! Me alegra que te guste el resultado :) Tú tenías ideas claras y sabías bien lo que querías, eso siempre ayuda a la hora de sacar adelante un proyecto así.

  8. Very nice mate, some real character to these guys - love 'em! That design on the base is very cool too :-)

    1. Thanks! The minis themselves instil character, made it all tremendously easier to do!

  9. Dressing him up all in cream/white, and adding purple touches was definitely the right way to go for Moriarty. To be honest, one depiction of Moriarty has blanked out all other versions of him and that is the one in Star Trek The Next Generation episodes. For me, he IS Moriarty. :)

    And as for playing Ludo with those minis - that's overkill XD

    1. Haha, I can see your point :)
      A Moriarty I particularly enjoyed was the one in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comics. The moment when he reveals himself as the mastermind behind the plot is awesome :D

  10. Great work, as always, Suber. I love the little touches -- your more light-hearted approach to Moriarity -- and especially the little curlicues on the bases.

    1. Thank you! Can't compare to your Lovecraftian works of recent (which I have found highly inspiring for this), but they share the same spirit :)
