
Not Portobello Road Market

I had the idea of a tiny market for my urban board for quite a long time in my head, but it hasn't been until now that I've been able to turn it into a real thing. My most obvious choice were the stands by Micro Art, from their Wolsung range, which are lovely.

I painted them in the gritty, dirty style of my whole board:

The two smaller stands, in all their rusty glory

I started with the big one. I converted it into a spice market/food vendor stand. I used some greenstuff to represent mounds of spice into the boxes provided, and also sculpted some exotic or alien vegetables and stuff.

Looks clean and trustworthy
I also had an idea to add more variety. Edible variety. Well, as edible as these things can get in Rogue Trader, ahem. Just a little greenstuff turns into...

Space cuttlefish!

With a couple of spare MDF gears from another kit, a few staples and a button I built a cage that would be hanging from the stand:

Yummy yummy
So this is the other side:

Hmm, I still have some room for some hanging pickles
For the two smaller stands, I sacked the bitsbox. I turned one of them into a salvaged military equipment stall:

Blood from previous owners has been cleaned up from all pieces
I did quite the same thing for the other stand, but with salvaged low-tech equipment instead of military gear:

All the equipment the modern adventurer needs
You may remember that, for more forbidden stolen specialised gear, you may want to visit Mama Balaklava's, a fine place for the gentle adventurer who would like to avoid undesired Imperial entanglements. This is more a modest place, but also serves its purpose.

The final touch. I got these jars from Fenris Games. Sweet pieces that fit in the market theme but that can also be used for other settings.

Typical objective markers
So well, all in all, this is the market so far:

Should be bustling, but it's monday morning

When the noon cargo ship arrives we'll have more customers

This is it for now. Of course your adventurers will need a place where they can replenish their existences between jobs. The market also serves as a perfect excuse for an Indiana Jones-like pursuit. Besides, when I get some more food crates or stuff of the like, they will serve as objective markers for an eventual scenario in which raiders have to steal what they can while the Merchants Guild thugs try to avoid it. Sounds like an idea to me, hmmm...
Now I need crates and stuff!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! These projects from almost scratch are always fun, you never know how they're going to end :D

  2. They look brilliant man.

    1. Thank you! I need to look for more stuff to make more merchants :D

  3. Very nice, Suber! The hanging cage is a superb touch.

    1. Haha, that was a totally unexpected addition. I had this little piece of greenstuff and thought 'what can I do with this...?' Then the bulb lit up over my head and got to that :D

  4. I love it, you might need to get a charms and religious Icon stall set up too. Because you cant just use any charm for the Emperors blessings, it has to be a sanctioned charm station!
    A customs man might also be a nice add on. Got to make sure the government gets its cut of the sales.
    Do you a have a postal service station set up yet?

    1. Oh! and how about a government distribution center for all the poor and destitute Imperial citizens to qew up to!
      A place where you get your ration cards, daily bread/gruel allotment/protean/vitamin fruit bar. Fuel for stoves and can file to indenter your 11th unwanted child to church, government or military. :D

    2. Hahaha, so great!! Seriously, you gave me some really cool ideas, I need to look for pieces!!

  5. Yum, space octopus!
    That is some great work. Very well done

    1. Thanks! Looks delicious, doesn't it? :P

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, mate! Now I need proper merchants!

  7. Excellent job. They are so evocative. A great addition to your stuff.

    1. Thank you! The Micro Art stalls are great, they only need tiny details. I'm thinking now of a full scale market :D

  8. Fabulous looking terrain Suber. All the details and the way you painted everything is just so amazing.
    Excellent job all over.

    1. Thank you! They had to look dirty and gritty, kind of the place a space thug would need to visit. Seriously, I need to have a look at my bits box to look for more stuff I can set on display :D

  9. Replies
    1. Haha, thank you! I may have to build some more cages and new creatures!

  10. Replies
    1. :D
      Thanks! I think the Christmas market edition will have some lights :D

  11. That is fantastic. It really brings "the world" to life.

    1. Thank you! I wanted it to look dirty yet exotic, a place to visit between adventures... or maybe a place in which to live an adventure!

  12. Nice work! I love space cuttlefish too :-)

    1. Thank you! It was the first thing that came to mind (and the easiest to sculpt!)

  13. fua tio!
    Increible!! Me encanta como te ha quedado (menuda envida ><)

    1. ¡Gracias! ¡Pero envidia ninguna, si es todo la mar de simple! ¡AnĂ­mate a hacer algo, un mercadillo es imprescindible en toda ciudad, desde Mordheim hasta Necromunda! :D

  14. You have a way of weaving a story through your art. Long may it continue Suber ... ^_^

    1. Thank you so much! I find it interesting to not just provide mere obstabcles or elements, but to really make some sense out of them. Glad you like them!

  15. I love that squid with the white hot love of a thousand suns.

    1. Haha, that's a compliment! It was an easy creture to do, but I find it a little unsettling seeing it just on the same stand where you can find spices, donuts and some alien fruit. Brrrrr.
