
Mansions of madness (1st ed)

New endeavour today! I got this game quite a long ago and (to my shame) I've been playing it unpainted. Enough of that!

I haven't tried the new 2nd edition, but this one is absolutely recommendable. Quite replayable, it gives a lot of uncanny fun. Well, fun; you know. I mean creepy, terrifying experience that will drive you crazy and... ehm. Fun, as I was saying.

But I'm not talking about the game today; I've finally painted the minis! Hurrah! So here youhave them. First, the investigators:

Kate Winthop & Michael McGlen

Gloria Goldberg & 'Ashcan' Pete

Jenny Barnes & Harvey Walters

Joe Diamond and Sister Mary
But the monsters are the real deal here. Doing the bases was somehow tricky, buy I finally managed to find an acceptable solution.

So here you have the cultist and the cult leaders:

Generic Yog Sothoth standard cult
The maniacs:

Here's Johnny!
The witches:
The clothes sculpts were difficult for me to understand. I opted for some kind of Manila shawl, which looked exotic and mysterious, I thought it suited them
The zombies:
No budget for trousers, sorry
The Shoggoths:
The Cthonians:
They can't stand water; kind of glorified Gremlins
The Mi-Go:
Hola a-mi-go!
Finally, the Hounds of Tindalos:

Certainly not the Baskerville ones, dear Watson.
The quality of the minis is boardgame standard, which is not bad at all. The investigators are roughly 20 mm scale and the creatures maybe a little bit larger. They all fit in the game box (something I was concerned about once I got all the monsters on their bases), so I'm happy with the whole lot. Now I need to finally have a game with them painted!


  1. It's a fantastic game IMO. Takes a while to setup, but it's definitely worth it. I'm not a fan of the latest edition, It's designed for the lazy millennials, who can't be arsed reading and need special effects to make something worthy of their time.

    Oldschool all the way!

    Great paint up too Suber. Really nailed the tartan :)

    Cheers mate.

    1. Haha, true oldschool! You really need to have the time for a game, but it's totally worth of the experience. Thanks, glad you like it!

  2. Nice job dude, these look great!! I salute your attention to detail mate, the investigators are particularly cool :-)

    1. Thanks! The minis are nice for a boardgame, but they definitely look better when painted. Tiny but detailed, really enjoyable :)

  3. Really nice work! I've really enjoyed the second edition, and you can just port all this first edition stuff in.

    1. Thanks! I still have a good fistful of games with the first edition, I haven't really read anything about the second one. I'm afraid that, by the time I would get that painted, the fourth edition would be out on the market :D

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, nice minis and recommended game!

  5. These look cracking you have been working hard on this one!

    1. The game is totally worth of full painted minis, I cannot wait to finally have a proper game!!

  6. Me encantan las minis!
    tiene que ser un juego muy divertido! :)

    1. ¡Gracias! El juego es una pasada. Es muy largo (entre que preparas y juegas se te van tranquilamente las cuatro o cinco horas), pero es inmersivo y te tiene completamente en tensión. Además de ser muy narrativo, pueden pasar cosas diferentes y cada partida tiene varios finales posibles. No conozco la 2ª edición, pero la primera por lo menos la recomiendo.

  7. Great work nice painting bro

  8. Absolutely splendid work. Certainly the best work I've seen on these miniatures. Your mi-go and hounds of tindalos are especially wonderful. I hope this set of miniatures brings you a lot of pleasure and fun!

    1. Thank you! A real compliment coming from you. I had your own minis in mind during the whole process, your work on this game is the best reference I can think of, I really admire them!

  9. The figures look really good. We haven't played much of our Cthulhu themed games over here. The one issue I've had is with the games being near unplayable on a standard dining room table.

    1. Haha, I totally know what you mean! That's quite a regular issue for me too! :D

  10. I think I have this edition and I know how small they are. Fantastic work Suber! :)

    1. The investigators are tiny indeed, but enjoyable. The game is cool from the beginning to the end!

  11. Splendid looking models Suber!

    1. Thank you! The change of my usual subject has been fun! :)
