
Not so happy citizens (Pt. 1)

Here it is, the project I was talking about last week. Where to start...

I have a plan.

I have plans for running a Rogue Trader game in which a group of Arbites will try to contain an angry mob of citizens gone wild. They will try to overrun the Arbites and kidnap/kill/whatever the Governor, ransack the local market and show random general civil unrest. I have some ideas in mind for the rules and so.

But I needed an angry mob of citizens! Right, I have quite an extensive collection of civilians by now, but I wanted some specific protesters, not only bold adventurers. Numbers is what matters in this case, so I needed an unexpensive solution for hoarding a respectable amount of minis. My salvation came under the form of the Wargames Factory zombie survivors. The price/quality/(quantity) rate was just too good to let it go. So using that and some other bits I had (WHFB, 40K Skitarii...) I got all the greenstuff I had and begun to do silly things. Here you have them, in no particular order:

That's a Skitarius head upside down
Yep, GW heads are huge for models of actual humans
What's a boy without charming toys?
One of the very few minis with a firearm. Irrelevant however, this is going to be 40K...
Almost no GS needed, it gives all I need
Fancy hats are totally in this season
So are hispter hairdos
Is that a wrist walkman?
An angry servitor. His lobotomy didn't work and he recalls his former life. When he had arms and stuff
Pig Iron head on a Warhammer Fantasy body. Never can go wrong with this
Nothing is more Rogue Trader than that coat
I might paint that scarf Hufflepuff
Thats quite a sign. Not a clue of what will I write...
Angry metro ticket collector
I should have unpainted it but... welll, laziness, you get the concept
Opera singer or he reall wants you to look at his empty hand
Leaflets, propaganda, pamphlets
Whenever you see oversized stuff of any kind on a head, it's just a helmeted head from Bolt action
You revolt while I have my tea, I have a terrible cold
This one could take part in any current protest all over the world
Big head, big hands, big axe
More RT. Just because
Maybe the most incongruous of all these :D
Some kind of Merchant of 40K Venice
That's a Mortal Kombat pose
Yeah, OK, I like Moebius, what can I say
Maybe too much Moebius
Not sure if that's a helmet or his actual head
Speaking of heads...
Angry taxi driver marching against those Uber guys
These arms come from the WotC minis I used like a year ago (or more). Diogenes you say?
Angry Daft Punk Jedi bloke. Yes. Just because I can
You can see this group is highly incoherent eclectic. Inspiration has come from many places, from the City of Jedha from Rogue One (really nice designs for civvies there!) to actual pics from riots from here and there.
From quite a long time I considered purchasing the wonderful rioters by Offensive Miniatures, but in the end I took the cheap solution. The only thing that bothers me (well, 'bother', I'm talking about plastic toys) is the lack of females in the box. A mixed box (a male sprue and a female sprue) would have been just perfect. Anyway, though unexpensive, I think I'm not buying the ladies' box, my revolt will have to work with these. I have way more than enough for my scenario.

No clue of when will I be able to paint them, but it looks like the Arbites are going to have a rough day...


  1. Some great converting there and on so many figures :-)



    1. Thank you very much! Once I started I couldn't stop. As a matter of fact I haven't even counted them :D

    2. Probably best not to then 😁

      Looking forward to seeing them painted 👍🏻



  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! They are but a mishmash of gs and bits; good thing about 40K (and RT in particular) is that almost everything works :D :D

  3. Really great! I love convertion such like that :)
    best ragard

    1. Thanks! I shiver on the perspective of painting them, brrrr

  4. they look great. Looking forward to seeing them painted.

    1. Thank you! I have quite a lot of work ahead! D:

  5. What a wonderful and bold project, well done so far!

    1. Thanks! Let's see how it ends, hehe, still much to do!

  6. Great looking mob. And some of them can make decent not rioting civs to populate a market or pub.

    1. Thank you! Right, I have some quite obvious rioters, but also more 'regular' people (if that word can apply here!). I'd use the latter for the early stages of a demonstration, while the 'pure rioters' would pop up and warm things up as the conflict escalates (really, it all makes sense in my mind :D)

  7. I was exhausted after scrolling through so much cool models, only you can achieve such a feat !

    1. Man, there was a point in which I lost count of how many minis had I already finished! :D

  8. Really great work!
    Hope to see the angry group shot shortly :)

    1. Thank you! They make quite a mob, I hope the family pic will be kind of overwheling :D

  9. Wow, that's quite a crew. So many clever ideas!

    1. Thanks! Now as I see them some new (and better) ideas come to mind, but I'm leaving them as they are. I should have done more agressive rioters and some urban guerrilla stuff, but these will have to do their part...

  10. Stellar work on these. As with your WotC star wars conversions, I may be "inspired" by these [he means wholesale copy them].

    1. Haha, thank you! Please be my guest :D

  11. Wow, like everyone else here... I'm stunned. That's a lot of work. A lot of painting too ;D

    One thing... "Diogenes"? I know about the onions and the living in a barrel and the public wanking, but I don't get the arms thing? Could you explain so I feel less/more stupid?

    1. Haha, the Diogenes syndrome is related to the compulsive hoarding of all kinds of garbage. I meant that I keep tons of useless bits and leftovers that can usually be regarded as mere rubbish :D :D

  12. Fabulous mate love all the characters you've created.

    1. Thank you! I still have some ideas, but I must... not... buy... more... Aaaagh, this is hard!

  13. Suber wrote:
    "They will try to overrun the Arbites and kidnap/kill/whatever the Governor..."

    "Hey now... that 'whatever' sounds ominous."
    -Governor General, Sector Six

    I have a bunch of civilians, but the amount of work you are investing in conversions to protesters is admirable. That's a lot of greenstuff, and really looks like it will pay off for the setting.


    1. Well, that 'whatever'... I'm keeping the options open :D :D :D :D :D :D
      I of course kept your civilians in mind, and toyed with the idea of doing crowd bases for three or four minis each. I finally didn't for the mere sake of painting them, but I still have to decide how will the mob move in rules terms...

  14. joder! que curro!
    me encanta como te has montado cada un con tanta personalidad!
    Enhorabuena!! :D

    1. ¡Gracias! Son una panda curiosa, jeje, ¡a ver cuándo me animo a pintarlos, me dan escalofríos!

    2. Bueno, lo que es seguro es que te van a quedar geniales! jajaja

  15. These have huge potential Suber :) Paint them up quickly

    1. Thanks! Why, that's gonna take some time!!
