
First neighbourhood finished

New installment in my vertical board project!

I have been slowly expanding the town. I had to add new floors and so:

There will be an ascending ramp right there
The issue is that I soon realized that I couldn't move forward without finishing what I already had built. I mean specifically the rock cut houses.

Thre will be another block of houses right there in the centre
The moment I added a new building there I wouldn't be able to reach the interior of that neighbourhood with the brushes. So I had to finish that part before I could go on...

A place to live in
I sprayed the whole thing again to have an uniform colour on the places that were still unpainted and then painted the doors. As it was too plain, I added some piping (the large one is the case of a brush!) and started to work on other details.

Having such an open plaza there was useful in terms of gaming, but I thought I could still add some kind of object to fill in. I found a cologne tap and glued som bits and rubbish onto it...

Air purifier? Comm relay? ATM? Who knows...
Here you can see what I got in the end:

More like a real place
Lights over the doors were almost mandatory, I guess. Of course this is a neighbourhood, so the doors also have a sign over them (the mailman has to identify them so he can deliver all those minis from kickstarters!). AC units, a street lamp... and most definitely tubes and wires, which add a lot of depth to any place.

Still playable. Hardly, but playable
Not quite clean, but still cozy
I thought of adding way more details and colour tones, but I had to keep in mind that this is a gaming board, not a doll house, so this is the compromise within both. While I guess it will be tricky to play this particular part of the town, it's still usable and I'll see to keep it this way when I build in front of it.

This is the board right now
I guess I'll have to work on that large wall on the right before I build the central section, but now you have an insight of my aim here and the general tone I pretend to achieve on the whole board. It looks feasible in my mind, but it's still to be proven on the real world!
It will take some time, but I hope it will be worth of it... Fingers crossed!


  1. You're a real wargaming trrain master! Looking awesome!

    1. Thank you!! But I still have quite a lot of work ahead!

  2. Awesome work Suber! Congratulations for your project ;)

    1. Thanks! Not a clue of when will it be finished, but my bet is a couple of years at least :D

  3. Wow! Just wow. You will need a big house to store all those great houses though...

    1. Thanks! I'm measuring this by the milimeter (quite literally!). Just have a look at this post to see what I mean :D

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! I hope we can have some games there eventually! :)

  5. Maravilloso!
    Splendid work Suber, all that work is really paying dividends.

    1. ¡Gracias!
      It's quite a slow and time consuming work, but I'm enjoying the ride, let's see where does it leads us!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! I think it's gonna be quite a madness to get the same vibe over the whole board, but yet I'm happy to try!

  7. Magnificent! It all looks great, but I do love that ATM thing.

    1. Thank you! It was an idea that came as I was painting the interior. I just begun to glue things together and ended with this :)

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks! The progress is desperately slow, but the important thing is that it's growing :)

  9. What a brilliant looking piece of terrain!

    1. Thank you! I'm trying to get a kind of neutral vibe, so it can serve for Rogue Trader as well as for a Star Wars inspired skirmish Did anyone say 'Firefly' there? :D

  10. Looking excellent! There are tons of great touches here, but I think my fave is the sense of weight you got with the cables hanging off that one pipe. Working at this scale, it's often really hard to get stuff like that to look like it's hanging properly.

    1. Thank you! I spent some time trying to get that look and making them hang as I wanted. It was tricky, but I think they add some depth to the piece.

  11. This is everything I love ! It's full of hidden spots, it's messy and well designed just as it should !

    1. Thank you! Ehm... yes.. of course. Well designed... That it is. Nothing left to improvisation. No, sir, not at all... Ahem.

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks, pal! You know quite a thing or two about boards and spectacular settings, I often take your work as inspiration!!

  13. Thanks! Not sure of when will I see it finished, but I hope I can still bring a few pieces of strange stuff until then :P

  14. juraría que había comentado el post, se habrá perdido en la disformidad :O
    muy majo todo, a la espera de verlo terminado y con minis encima.

    1. No has rezado lo bastante al Omnissiah :P

      ¡Gracias, a ver para cuándo soy capaz!

  15. Phenomenal! I was already convinced before you added the wires, lights and pipes, but those additional details are just perfect! What are you using for the wires out of interest? Some sort of threads?

    I honestly can't wait for each instalment to see what unexpected and brilliant element you add next!

    1. Thank you! Yes, just mere sewing thread. It's pretty easy to work with, and as I paint it black it gets an added 'dirtiness' quality wich suits these elements :)

    2. I need to investigate using some thread then! What about the thicker cables?

    3. You can see another example of thread here:
      I like what it 'adds' to the overall aspect.
      The other cables are made of green stuff, using the roll maker by Green Stuff World. Hee you can find a step by step of how I use it:
      I hope these are useful!

  16. Air purifier? Comm relay? ATM?

    Porque escoger? Puede ser las tres... Sacas pasta mientras llamas a tu abuela respirando el aire más fresco del lugar. Todo son ventajas!

    The place now looks like people actually live and do stuff there. That's most common error in sometimes amazingly done terrain, to look like a vignette instead of somewhere to spend the time at.

    Enhorabuena, a ver si vivo para verlo terminado ;)

    1. :D :D :D
      I hate when boards are made just of mere LoS blockers. What I really enjoy is replicating real stuff (well, with this gritty sci-fi filter), making the very board to tell a story, to become part of the adventure. Glad you like it! ¡Gracias!

  17. Fabulous looking board that is perfect for star wars and rogue trader! Great improvisation, perfectly suited to the subject!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you! It is somehow versatile, and it's my aim to do so; I'll try to add different details to keep the vibe :)

  18. "Air purifier? Comm relay? ATM? ..." To me it looks like an industrial air filter that is a must just for the residents to breath. Looks great by the way :)

    1. Thank you! I think I'll go with your choice! :D

  19. The colour you've chosen for this is spot on. Really enjoying watching this develop.

    1. Thank you very much! I don't even dare to think of a serious schedule for this project, it gives me the shivers! :D

  20. Bravo, that looks outstanding!
    I'm still wondering if you can keep it playable if it's hardly so at this stage, but at the very least it will be an amazing background for future pictures.

    1. Thank you! That's quite a concern, I have to say, but I hope I still can provide different spaces for skirmishing and for narrative games. Fingers crossed!!

  21. Thank you very much! I'm making some (veeery slooow) progress, I hope I can show some pics anytime soon!
