
Old School Workshop 8th anniversary

The day has come. Eight years now! Wow. Feel a little bit dizzy (don't worry, it's not covid). This year has been... well, let's say different. I guess there's no need to say more; not that I want to, anyway.

Among this year of setbacks, hobby time became more precious. And any progress, no matter what, is a victory. That goes for everyone, you my dear readers. No matter what you achieved, better or worse, it made the difference.

So, what did I do since last November 27? Let me do this quick catch up:

Realscale Dreadnought. What a monster. I love it.

First version of the mini. Kind of a Christmas Elf.

I changed the blog header with the new year. Old school design!

Firefly board game. Three full copies. Here, the big damn heroes

Slight repaint of the Space Elf and an unexpected companion

I completed the frontal facade of the mining town vertical board

An oldschool project for a giveaway event

The creepy guy. Oh, I do love this mini

As it was 2020, I paid tribute to the Grandfather. Khoron Avir, Champion of Nurgle

The baddies from the Firefly board game

A refuelling station from scratch, using toilet paper roll as the main element (remember those days?)

Khoron Avir and the Cult of the Covidians

Then I suddenly flipped to a more bright note and made this 40K tribute to Grom the Paunch

The Frigate Princesa. A whole new challenge

Around the corner. I guess it's end of phase 1 of the board

Waaagh! Da Mekboy!

Continuation on the Order of the Ossuary

I had to repaint this Dreadnought after... uhhh... an incident

The Dolorous Stroke project. Once again out of my comfort zone

The mining suit

Urban expansion!

Some innocent dungeoning stuff

Another mini for another giveaway event


Moar Orks!

Saracen Undead. Or something.

Another walker out of a Kinder Egg


There has been some variation of subject this year (though I keep mainly doing my usual stuff) and I have slightly tried to go out of my comfort zone. I've been facing large projects like the Firefly thing (it meant 84 minis by itself!), the Dolorous Stroke or, of course, the vertical board, so I needed some one shot projects to take some fresh air. On the whole I'm happy; I don't care about the numbers or the  amount of the output. I just keep on enjoying each project and blogging about them. I of course have much less free time than eight years ago, but I'm still riding the wave, and that's all that matters.

I'm making some slow progress on the vertical board (I guess I'll be able to post something anytime soon) and I'm into another big project (I've started painting the Conan board game Kickstarter, but it's an overwhelming task, it will still take some time), but apart from that I have no real plans for anything (that's something I learnt this 2020!). So I guess I'll just keep on painting whatever I have on the bench -and believe me, I have a lot of job to do!

So, will you walk with me through the plastic plateau? (I'm improvising; 'lead mountain' sounded like such a cliche) :D

Year Nine starts today!


  1. Your work is always diverse and creative, always executed at a high skill level, and always a pleasure to see here. I look forward to every post.
    Congratulations on eight years! Never stop creating 😃

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I try to do different things, yet I always come back to the usual stuff, haha. Anyway, as long as it's fun, it has a place in here!

  2. Happy anniversary!!
    One of my favourite blogger with many greats projects :)

    1. Thank you! I'll try my best to keep your attention! :D :D

  3. Happy bloggo-versary!!!! You’ve had a productive year. The dungeon terrain and the city block are my favorites. Here’s to many more!!!

    1. Thank you! I have a lot of work to do on those, I hope I can do something serious about that next 2021!!

  4. Outstanding work over the last eight years!

    I've really enjoyed following it and can't wait to see what you come up with next!

    1. Thank you very much! I didn't have a lockdown as productive as yours (which was outstanding! -well, in hobby terms I mean!!) but I'm trying to keep the path here :)

  5. That's a lot of stuff! I've enjoyed following all your projects this year, especially the various crazy walkers. I'm currently painting an ancient Grom the Paunch model and I like your take on him a lot. And as you say, any progress is a victory right now.

    1. Thank you! Oh, I'd love to see that Grom! Right, each lick of paint, each mini out of the sprue, each word written... all of them are tiny, yet important victories. Let's keep them coming!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! Let's see what can we do! :)

  7. Looks like you've had a very productive year and congratulations on your anniversary!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you! Looking back I think it was more productive than I recalled, so I'm happy. Thanks for the (very extensive!) support; I think you'll have to take part of the credit for next year's output, as your minis will most definitely will be part of this humble blog :)

  8. pues si que te ha cundido, ahora que lo pienso , a mi también, pero claro es por pasar tanto tiempo en casa :/
    De todas formas felicidades por la constancia en el blog y por inspirarme y darme ánimos :)

    1. ¡Gracias! Al final resulta que he hecho más de lo que pensaba, curioso. Esto funciona gracias a que nos retroalimentamos, ¡así que hay que seguir! :)

  9. ¡Enhorabuena!

    Este año está siendo muy raro, pero seguro que todo vuelve a la normalidad pronto. :) ¡Ánimo y a por otros 8 más!

    1. ¡Muchas gracias! Este año no hemos tenido partida :(
      Claramente va a haber que solucionarlo para el que viene :D

  10. So much great stuff.

    Glad to see you keep on blogging!!

    1. Thanks! Real life doesn't tend to give a break, but when it happens, you gotta make the most of it and paint something! :D

  11. I always like the different projects and explanations of how you execute them.
    Definitely influences my thinking about the hobby. Thanks for sharing these past 8 years.

    1. Thank you! It's definitely a back and forth path, I am a huge fan of your work and your whole approach to your projects. I find it interesting that most of us really get influenced by all the others in one way or another. It's really nice. So thank you for being there too!

  12. Ocho años? Cervezidades!
    Can't figure out what I find more impressive - your endurance or your miniatures... Man, that old school cybot!

    1. Thank you, Skully!! But... Excuse me, I am enormously confused... where are you from?? :O Only a native Spanish speaker can possibly know that word!! :D :D

  13. There are so many wonders there, it is difficult to know where to begin. You are a *deeply* talented artist.
    Boy oh boy, I love those old school Dreadnoughts. I could look at them all day.

    1. Oh, thank you! *Blush*
      I can say I enjoyed every mini I painted this year, but it's true that the Dreads have been special to me. I put some time on them (more than anticipated) and I don't regret a single minute :)

  14. Ufff, da vértigo echar la vista atrás y ver todo lo que has conseguido este año. Desde luego has avanzado un montón en algunos proyectos, auténticos saltos de calidad. Cada nuevo avance, por pequeño que sea en tu ciudad vertical, me hace brincar de alegría. Por otro lado, salpicas de pequeñas sorpresas algunas de tus entradas, como esos vehículos que creas a partir de un huevo Kinder. Estoy deseando ver con qué nos sorprendes en el año que está por venir

    1. ¡Gracias! El pueblo vertical se ha convertido en un proyecto muy preciado para mí, hasta el punto de haber dejado los demás proyectos de escenografía abandonados (¡Esa mazmorra genestealer!)
      Sé que este año pretendo avanzar en el tablero todo lo que pueda, pero por lo demás todavía no me atrevo a adelantar nada; he dejado de hacer planes y me limito a pintar lo que me apetece al ritmo que me puedo permitir. ¡Ya veremos!

  15. Happy, happy, happy blog anniversary Suber. Congratulations on this impressive milestone :)

    1. Thank you so much! Let's hope next year treats us well!
