
AvP: the final batch

You know how these things happen. You think you've finished a project, you move on, times goes on... and then one day suddenly your pal tells you he forgot to provide me just these other tiny boxes:

Aaaaand there we go again

It looks like much, and I felt a little bit dismayed at the beginning, but once I took them out of the boxes, it looked more manageable:

Not "few minis". Just "manageable"

At first it was a little bit difficult for me to get used to these sculpts again. I mean, I think I said it before, but they are nothing like GW. They are so crisp and full of details that all of them are quite a challenge. But let's get started. My first choice were the Aliens, as the monochrome scheme is the fastest to get done.

I took my usual approach. Black priming, first (and very subtle) layer of highlights with black/dark blue and then highlights with metallics:

Two Praetorians. Unsure of the Roman influence in the Xenomorphic culture

A Royal Guard. Again, I have some doubts about the differences with Praetorians

Evolved Warriors. Designers got lazy with the names this time

Here you have the whole family:

The red stuff is just for you to know that your screen didn't turn B/W


Then I painted the humans. This time they're not USCM, but Weyland-Yutani Commandos, the PMC branch of the company. At first I was terrified because, if you remember, this was their lookings in the Alien3 fanfic film:

I'd call it a... problematic design. Yet not the worst thing in the movie

Fortunately Prodos had purchased the rights over the Aliens videogames. I won't speak of Prodos and rights, just leave it there. The thing is that they luckily got to produce this:

Spot the differences (if any) with the previous pic

This is what I got:

There are two USCM sentry guns

I have to say that these minis are cool as hell. I love the design, and both the poses and sculpts are definitely top notch. The only thing I don't like is the goggles, but apart from that, I'd totally make a WH40K Imperial Guard regiment out of these.


Now for the Predators. First thing is the special character, Machiko Noguchi. She is presented in two variants, one on the regular spaceship display, and another one on the hunt, deep in the jungle:

I totally hate painting the grid dressing or however it is called

The Hellhounds are a weird desing IMO. They look scary, undeniable, but I'm afraid they're not my cup of tea. Anyway, I tried my best.

Whatever the case, I wouldn't like to face these anywhere

Finally, the Predator Elders:

Now these are cool

Sadly never as cool as these

Here you have the mandatory family pic:

Strange family, but who am I to judge

This is all for today! I'd like to say that the AvP project is definitely closed, but who knows!!

I'm now working on some different stuff, I'll try to post it anytime soon!


  1. Lovely work Suber!
    Those Weyland-Yutani Commandos' uniform have a very odd design. I can see them tripping over everything on the floor as they cant look down to step over it. Easiest way to stop them is spread golf balls over the floor. Maybe this explains the padded coats. 🤣

    1. Thank you! Haha, now I can only see them in some kind of Home Alone situations XD

  2. Oh, my!! As a Alien fan, I must say that, I LOVE that project!

    1. Thank you! The minis are top notch, that made it all way easier!

  3. Great job as usual, do you have new for a game? And a very generous friend 😀

    1. Thanks! Oh, my bad, I didn't tell, these are a commission; the whole project is!!

  4. What a great job you've done with these!
    I particularly like the Aliens, your colour scheme works brilliantly and really captures their film aesthetic beautifully. Very inspiring!

    1. Thank you! The Aliens are rally unsettling, I think that the metallic treatment stresses the uneasy feeling about them :S

  5. Great work on all Suber, interesting they have Machiko, as she was from the comics, my favourites have to be the predators, but the hounds are lacking from their movie versions.

    1. Thanks! Prodos (eventually) got the rights for quite an ambitious project. It's a shame what happened in the end, as the minis are really excellent, they did a great job on them all.

  6. Very good work! I like those Aliens a lot. The mercenary soldiers always looked very weird in Alien 3, and the changes to the models help a lot. Do you get android soldiers in the Prodos game? I remember them being in one of the (ropey) computer games.

    1. Thank you! I agree, the new design is way cooler. Alien3 suffered from a lot of production changes and weird designs. No, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with those androids, I'm googling them right now!

  7. Very nice work Suber ... as per your usual high quality level :)

    1. Thanks! I try to keep it up; some minis are easier to paint and look better than others when finished, but I try to make the most of each one :)

  8. Dude those all look fantastic! The predators are my favorites especially the work you did on Machiko.

  9. Thanks! I think the guys at Prodos made a cool work with the sculpts, I enjoyed painting them all!
