
A pool of Orks

 While I'm still building a couple of Warlord Titans (which is taking quite some time), I've been having a look at what else do I have on the queue. Wow. The things I still have. After crying in the shower for a few days, I realised I had to pick something. One clear rule: when in doubt, go for Orks. You can never be disappointed with Orks.

I have a ridiculous amount of metal Orks from the RT-2nd Ed times. In fact, when tried to get them all along I realised it was going to be difficult to just separate them into mobs. So I took the easiest solution. Just start painting and I'll make the decision when I have them finished😄

I started with some basic RTO2 Orks. I've always loved these models, and have always provided some fun times. I had painted some of them before. Now I had a few painted models, some others untouched and a few kind of in the middle of the process. Time to make this bunch of minis work!

I guess there's little to say when it comes to these. You can only rejoice in the sculpts of the old times and the sweet silliness they instil. Once again I'm not making them into any specific Ork Clan, I simply let myself go and see what happened. This is the result:

He insists in calling himself Da Kommizar, but no one really pays him any attention
I added some skin variety, asusual. I really find it more attractive than the ubiquitous only tone of green. When doing this, I first paint the skin (at least the first layer), and then I decide the rest of the colours depending on that. Not very scientific, but hey, it works for me.
I've never known the tactical role of the drummer, but it's so cool I have to go with it

I may have inadvertedly made a Bretonnian livery

I also have never known what the helmet rattle is. Ultramarine maracas!
Well, I have 16 Orks for the moment! I can make a mob with them, but I think I'll be adding a few blokes more
Finally! A backdrop!

 Right, I recently received a backdrop book by Jon Hodgson, from his latest KS campaign. You can find them all here, go have a look at them! They are wonderful, I may even get another one!

Next time I'm confident I'll be able to bring the two Warlords. Coming soon!


  1. Fantastic work on these old school Orks Suber, really love the mix of skintones you've achieved, gives them a very natural feel to them, and the mix of colours with their garb just adds to the effect.

    1. Thank you! I'm fighting against the tyranny of green! I like to provide some sense of variety, I'll try to expand the palette for future Orks ;)

  2. the drummer's there because you can't rely on guns to give you a sick beat

  3. That's a lovely collection! I really like how they come together as a group!

    1. Thank you! I'll be adding a few more and then see how they fit into different Mobz!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! You can never have enough of them :D

  5. Superb work on those. I am really pleased to see you working on RT era minis again. Welcome back to the dark side.

    1. Thank you! I still have quite some of them, I believe you'll see a few more... ;)

  6. Very nice! These are some really old orks! I like the variety in colours: it makes them look even more like a horde of thugs than a disciplined army. They look really good as a group.

    1. Thanks! Right, that's the way I like to think of them, they were super fun to paint :)

  7. Tu tienes el baterista... yo el guitarrista.... que orkos más chulos, los chiflados eran eran muy divertidos, creo que tengo un par.... para que enseñas estas cosas chulas, tengo que pintar marines :(

    1. Hay minis de esta época que son lo más, yo con estos he disfrutado cosa mala :D

  8. Lovely work on the Orks! The variety of skintones really works well and gives the group some real individuality.

    1. Thank you! I really enjoy playing with the different skins, it adds some chromatic variety and allows me to do some fun things!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks! I can never get tired of these!

  10. Surely the "rattle" is supposed to be a grenade? All I can think about is the inverse of the ork head grenade from the cover of Rogue Trader.

    1. Oh, you know what? I believe that's it! It makes perfect sense, but the pose has baffled me for years! Oh, thank you!

  11. Excellent looking old skool orks!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you very much! I still have loads of the stuff you gave me, but I'm slowly making some progress!

  12. Love the orks and love the different skin tones. I've been thinking of getting that photo backdrop book, would you say it's worth it?

    1. Thank you! I totally recommend it, it was just the thing I was needing, to avoid my bland (or non-existing) backdrops. I would recommend to have a look at the whole ranges, because the one I have is just mountains and countryside. Not that it gets repetitive, but it's all on the same theme, so you may want another book with more specific backdrops. Anyway, I'm very glad with the purchase (I still have to learn to take pics and avoid reflections from the bulb, but that's another totally different issue). I'm even thinking of getting the sci-fi one!

  13. Fabulous work on the standard! Not Bretonnian at all - very, very orky.
    Anyway, I find the RTO2 Orks to be challenging to paint - lots of fiddly details, lots of different patches and textures. But you nailed them. And as the Space Dinosaur (?) said above, the different skin tones is a great idea.

    1. Thank you very much! They are tricky, right, but all those tiny details add tons of charm to the minis, I've enjoyed them quite a lot!

  14. These old Ork miniatures are something very special. You can see where the journey went from them in the second edition of 40k concerning the overall look of Space Orks. You have staged them very nicely.

    1. Right, I'm in love with these models, both the pure RT ones and the 2nd Ed minis. They do speak me of a time, of a whole experience, of tons of delicate background, charm and a whole era!

  15. RT and 2nd Ed was when Ork design was at it's best and most entertaining. All of those sculpts were so cool and fun and did not at all take themselves too seriously. It fit the faction in my mind.
    Love variation in skintones too. I only have one space ork, a 90's Nob and I made his skin quite dark just because. I mean, aren't they supposed to get darker as they age? Heck, I could imagine the eldest warbosses or whatever being almost coal black with that in mind?

    1. You are so right, those times meant Orks at their peak. The depth in their background was awesome, I'm really enjoying taking them back to life again!
