
Refuelling station (or something)

Today, in our 'in a budget' series...

"How confinement is developing my ability to recycle rubbish" :D

I'm building another piece of scenery, to be part of my ongoing desert series, such as the moisture vaporator, the control station building or the infamous windmill. Of course, in these times of quarantine there is an item which is essential, the true cornerstone of the whole project. The most valuable object of desire during the first days of this apocalypse madness...
Toilet paper roll.

Ba da bum
So, how am I turning all the crap above into something? Let's see! First thing is that card is a fun material to work with, it allowed me to cut through it so I could use more interesting shapes.

Well, your concept of 'interesting' may differ from mine, that's OK

I glued round sections inside the roll. Part of them will be seen and they add consistency to such a fragile structure.

One down and another just above
Then I added this etched brass grid I had been keeping from an old model for decades:

Purpose unknown. Never mind
I repeated the process on the console. It's a tiny piece I've produced and cloned for my mining town; you may spot some of them there.

You most probably won't be able to see a damn thing here
So this is the main element:
Ta daaaa

On its base and with further details

Rear view
Then I started to work on the other piece, a deodorant. You can observe the six square pieces down there, which are meant to be the actual fuel dispensers. Or something

Retractable hose inside, or maybe it is provided from somewhere else
I know, it really doesn't look like a fuel station, not even for an abandoned post in the wasteland desert. I had to reinforce the idea, so I added this tank.

You know, the kind of the toy-inside-chocolate-egg thing
Hmmm, do you think this is going to work?

Not that much impressive
After some white priming...

Better. Didn't say 'good'. Just 'better' than before
Way too new and pristine. First thing is to add the marks and whatever, and then a first medium brown wash.

Still too clean

But you see more or less how it's going to look like in the end
This could work for Star Wars, but you know, the 41st millenium is famous for its shortage of qualified cleaning and maintenance professionals. Second step consisted of more defined stains with a darker brown.

Still too clean!
The third step was to add rust and dirt with a sponge:

Pretty much the final result

Again, rear view
The final touch was the wiring. You know, the green stuff cables and thread wires. This is the result:

Looks totally reliable

Close-up of the flammabilis sign (and Periculum. Altus voltius in the back)

Rear view. Now with a 60% more of cables

Scale comparison shot. Now you get an idea of its size

'Nope. Not a single idea of how this works'
I guess that if this is the only option you have right in the middle of the desert, you will have to take the risk and refuel here...

I hope it looks nice alongside the rest of my scenery...

Well, dirtier than the rest, but I can work with this. An industrial refuelling station right at the exit of the town
Little by little I'm getting quite a nice bunch of scenery. I can use these elements by themselves or in combination with the town, which gives me some nice options for scenarios. I don't think I can storage many more pieces, but in the meantime I'll keep on producing them!


  1. A phenomenal build, man you got talent. Amazing how you took some rubbish and started tinkering with it.

    1. Thank you! I don't really think it's any kind of talent, it's more like starting to stick things together and see what happens! :D

  2. Another awesome looking terrain! You're a master!

    1. Thank you! I try to keep these cheap and easy :D

  3. Really amazing craftsmanship,terrific.

    1. Thanks, but you can see they are mere ordinary objects. The fun part of it was to integrate the toilet paper roll :D

    2. Ooh look at mister richy pants here, who has toilet paper!

    3. All this was just to show off!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! Anything works for WH40K if you get it dirty enough :D

  5. Me encanta, pero lo mejor son los carteles en latín.

  6. That piece looks great, as do all your terrain bits! It's dirtier because it's a refuelling station so no problem! Solo battle report???! ;)

    1. Haha, thanks! Yup, I really need to get some solo game, I should have a number of choices!

  7. I think there are two things that really make this convincing - the layered detailing and the weathering. The layers of detail (all those panels and cables and antennae) and the dirt, rust & grime hide the original source material brilliantly.

    I like the way you've painted this as a coherent set too - the white with the red markings is great.

    1. Thank you! I'm convinced that wires, tubes and that stuff contribute to add a new level -visually speaking. Even if you have no clue of what they are, you feel they are part of something. You can never have too many of them.

  8. That is absolutely brilliant!!

    1. Thanks! Weird raw materials in these times! :D

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks! I tried to keep it easy! Just as your own recent shacks, with everyday materials, but this called for some more dirt and a different look :)

  10. Flamabilis? Cómo iba a saber que INflamable quería decir flamable !? (Lo siento, bromita de los Simpson Dr Nick. De mis favoritas).

    Desde luego, el cableado le añade una dimensión extra y lo cambia por completo.

    Le insuflado vida a la escenografía. Envidia sana, de ternera un "lugar" donde jugar y que además sea tan creíble y pintoresco. Dan ganas de jugar.

    1. ¡Jajaja! Los cables dan mucha vida, aportan más a un conjunto de lo que realmente son. Ay, ganas de jugar. De esas nunca faltan :)

  11. Wonderful creations! As you say, usable in both the 41st millennium and a galaxy far, far away.

    1. Thank you! Dual use material, haha. I really can see both Stormtroopers or Space Marines fight for the position. I'd really like to actually see any of that on a board!

  12. Excellent work, the combined set works really well together.

    1. Thank you, step by step I have a small set for some nice skirmishes here, I really need to get a game there!

  13. Goodness me Suber, they came together fantastically. Well done, well done indeed :)

    1. Thank you! The hardest part was having to wait to have a toilet paper roll available!!

  14. Splendid looking bit of recycling and nicely straddles Rogue trader and Rogue 1!
    Best Iain

    1. Haha, thanks! Right, I think I feel comfortable with the 'Rogue' theme :D

  15. Replies
    1. Gracias, ya ves que todo es material baratuno :P

  16. Fantasic!

    Great construction but the painting is *kisses fingers*

    1. Haha, thanks! I was afraid it looked too dirty, but in the end it kind of works alongside the rest of pieces :)

    2. When it comes to grubby sci-fi frontier planet technology, there's no such thing as too dirty!

    3. I think you're right, hehe. I wouldn't trust a clean place in space!

  17. Lo que más admiro de tus trabajos, es la capacidad que tienes para ver un conjunto de materiales de deshecho, que en cualquier otra casa acabarían en un cubo de basura, mientras que en la tuya, sirven para crear piezas de escenografia tan alucinantes como la que nos muestras 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    1. La expresión que buscas es "Síndrome de Diógenes" :D
      ¡Pero gracias! :)

  18. Te ha quedado muy bien, sino fuera porque tengo escenografía de sobra y no me gusta nada pintarla haría alguna cosilla.

    1. Gracias, como ves todo esto lo he hecho lo más sencillo posible. Siempre evito complicarme la vida :D

  19. Sigh I miss firefly. Stupid fox Friday night lineup! It had no chance to succeed. But your terrain is lovely, a lot better than most prefab/plastic kit sets out there. In addition it looks like it could be used in a variety of settings not just arid Mesa. Trust Suber to succeed with odds and ends where multi million dollar corporations fail with endless resources.

    1. Haha, thank you! I try to handle these small projects, but they sometimes get out of hand easily :D
