Back to brushes! Hooray! First piece I've finished is a gift. Generously handed to me by Rinahe, a mate from the Spanish forum La Armada, it is no less than one of GW's primitive early sci-fi releases, from the first batch of RT minis:
Later on released again as one of the Space Mercenaries, this one happens to be quite a relic! In fact you can have a nice look at the primitive release at Goblin Lee's Miniatures Blog, last week he brought the whole pack to the light :)
I tried a flashy scheme, red and orange, with the helmet and backpack in grey. The helmet is fun, it only shows part of the face, and I thought it could be nice trying a little OSL effect, as if the helmet had some light inside, kind of BSG pilot helmets
Well, indeed at least I tried...
So please let me introduce Rickard Ehan, space mercenary. A tough guy you don't wanna mess up with, he is a free spirit crossing the galaxy from here to there, with no place he can call 'home' anymore. Dishonorably discharged from the 7th Dire Wolves of Andrusia, the rumours differ. Some people say that he barely escaped service in a Penal Legion, but others say that he indeed paid service until he was left for dead on the Khalamis battlefield at Bulgis III. What no one knows (or at least no one dares to say) is what Ehan did to be charged. But nowadays, his deeds talk by themselves.
Hired as bodyguard by a number of rogue traders, he wanders through the galaxy, doing whatever he is required to do by his masters. This life of adventure has led him beyond the limits of the Astronomican to uncharted space, whre he has dealt with some ugly xenos; sometimes to trade with them as his rogue trader intended, sometimes to just shoot'em in the face when bussiness went south. In any case he has never received a complaint from any of his employers, who always try to keep him in their service. But Rickard Ehan needs to break routine and simply cannot attach to a single ship or crew for too long...
So this is the story for this guy, the most recent incorporation for my Besenval Port project, which by the way is quite in a stand by, but I'm currently working on it, I hope I can show progress anytime soon...