New project ahead! Oh, come on, you really didn't expect me to keep on track and focused on anything, did you?
Some time ago I backed the Punkapocalyptic KS. Not only the guys behind are the friends of a friend, but the minis looked seriously appealing to me. You may want to have a look
at their web, for they have some pretty cool stuff (including the rules for download).
I got two bands, Gangers and Junkers. Gangers fall into the classic 'Mad Max' post-apoc vibe. I took a darker approach than the 'official' paintjob. Still not sure it that was wise on my part, as they now don't stand out as much as I woud have liked. Anyway, here you have them:
You thought the name Punkapocalyptic was for nothing? |
Badass is the troop type. Nothing else to add, your Honor |
The boss. The back banner should give a hint |
I made a slight conversion on the mini above. It came with a shotgun on her right hand, but the mini came damaged over the post, so I replaced the whole hand with this other one with the crossbow, which was an alternate weapon for the Badass above. I tried to make something scary for the banner, but failed. The original idea was a demon skull (yup, those should be little horns), with flaming jaws and the radioactive warning sign instead of eyes. All I got was a freehand that looks like a guy on LSD, what can I say. I tried.
OK, let's go on. This one is the brute of the group.
Fun fact. The front armour is a sewer top from the town of Gijon (where the game developers are from!) |
Utterly unsatisfied with that one, too dark. I may repaint the armour in a brighter colour.
More. I wanted to avoid the obvious Green Arrow reference, so I tried this:
Green Arrow? Nay, I'm post-apoc Legolas! |
Now, I get the Kratos reference too, but I'm not into video games and have never played the
God of War franchise, so I fancied to do something different...
Is that a Wh40K Tyranid? |
Well, after these horrible, dark individual pics, just a horrible, dark group shot:
The band! |
All the bases are pretty plain, maybe too much. As they depict some wasteland, I haven't added any grass or anything, but just this scorched aspect. Maybe I could add some yellow spent flock, hmm.
Anyway, this is it, I still have the Junkers. More incoming soon!