Infamous outlaw Brent Beronis is having a drink at the Sparklin' Pulsar when the Administratum bailiffs and the Adeptus Arbites make quite an entrance, surrounding the bar. He has to run all over the area, try to get to the docks and get on a boat. The idea is running a movie-like police chase scene, so we can put as much scenery as we can to an use. No shortcuts! The board is 4x4' (120x120 cm).
The bar is totally surrounded. The sirens and light flares are evident now. A frontal confrontation is gonna end badly. Brent better run for his life.
'Run for my life'. Easy to say! |
The most obvious and short route to the docks (just going straightforward downstairs) is totally blocked, so he'll have to do it the rough, long way!
This could have been sooo easy... |
Well, this is where first things begun to escape out of control. Yup, I know what I'm saying. We haven't started yet, right. But something unexpected happened just in the first turn, in the very first movement of the game. You could think Brent had quite a fair chance of making his way through the Administratum Bailiffs and get rid of one or two of them in doing so. He could escape through the bridge and the Arbites then would follow him. OK.
Hell no.
Qvo vadis?! |
The ruffled law enforcement officers didn't know how to handle this situation, so they made the only thing they could do...
Follow him!! |
Onto the roof, now what? |
You kiddin' me? |
I must say one thing, if this is not following the RT spirit, then I don't know what it is. Free and absolute interaction with scenery. This is not the first time these things happen, of course. The most recent case I can recall is the last time I played a
WH40K2 scenario (using the crane and stuff). As per 2nd Ed rules, you may use either Initiative or Leadership values depending on the kind of action you are trying to perform (more daring/physical or more wits/arguing, you know). Though RT presents many more attributes (Intelligence, Cool and Willpower), I'm OK keeping it simple and attaching to the Initiative or Leadership attributes.
As a GM, I firmly believe you have not only to allow, but encourage this kind of actions. So here we are, Brent jumping over the bridge. The perplex pursuers decide to shoot him...
...but they are too perplex to be effective |
Brent gets down. The Arbites run, they are almost onto him! |
Brent enters the residential area |
But the Arbites see their movement impeded by the people on the streets |
Brent puts some distance between him and his pursuers, so the Judge gives the order to open fire. The fugitive must not escape.
Unfortunately, they kill a bystander! |
Brent runs and gets lost among the streets |
As per scenario rules, at the moment the Arbites Squad has no line of sight to Brent, so he decides to use his '
Playing home' event card.
He succeeds! He runs through alleys the Arbites don't even suspect that exist |
The Arbites get one one turn delayed trying to find out where this dirtbag is running towards.
He's trying to make them lose the track in the maze of streets of the underhive |
But then suddenly...
Reinforcements have arrived! Block his escape way! |
GM note: This seemed to be a proper moment to allow Arbites Squad B get into game; otherwise, the distance between fugitive and chasers would begin to become unachievable. However, you may want to keep the reinforcements rule in secret for both sides. The faces on both players when you give one of them another squad (which can enter the board by any side at will) will be worth of it.
Brent is caged! Arbites behind. Arbites unexpectedly ahead. Then he makes the only thing he can think of. He gets
into the building and goes out through the elevated corridor on the first floor.
OK, I see no reason why this couldn't happen. The door on the street is open, I think it's quite a legit movement. Interacting creatively with the scenery was one of the major points of this urban scenario.
The Arbites, fooled, climb up to the platform to follow him |
The first squad and the bailiffs are still on the chase |
Things are warming up again!! |
Don't let him escape!! |
Oooops, didn't expect to find such a distinguished company here at the viewpoint! |
Trapped again! What can Brent do now?
Perhaps the wisest move would be... Wise? We didn't come here to be wise, we came to be bold!
To boldly go where no man has gone before! |
Another careless jump, another Initative roll passed. I must confess that a hostage situation at the viewpoint would have been intriguing, though I suspect the Arbites wouldn't have minded much whoever was the victim, not even a high-rank noble. Anyway, fortunately it didn't happen, I wasn't ready for that! The high-speed chase seems like a better option.
What are those lights up there?... |
The Metro is coming!
The Arbites run and take firing positions |
Brent was most certainly pushing his luck. The pillar is too high to simply jump down (I considered it would deliver an automatic wound). Jumping onto the building (which I honestly thought was the safest move for the previous turn) is now out of the table, as the Arbites are way too close. Gasp.
Apparently this was all part of a reckless plan...
Brent runs directly towards the Metro! He jumps in the very last second!
By the skin of the teeth! |
We didn't need to roll for this jump, the platform was a large enough place to make this action safe.
But wow, this is stressful. |
The Arbites take firing positions and (finally!) shoot |
This was the epic fail dice roll. For the record, the one that impacted didn't cause any wound |
However, an innocent bystander was slain as a collateral damage |
New reinforcements! [Vooosh, foooom, hsshhhh] |
Now, gentlemen, you have to run if you wanna get that guy! |
Brent fires back, with no effect. The Arbites fire again, killing another civilian!
Blamm, blamm, aaargh! |
Relentless Squad A still on the chase! |
Brent tries to get to the streets again |
He plays the 'Snitch' event card. Hauer Ruttger makes his appearance! |
The Snitch card is a tricky one, anything can happen. Depending on the roll, the Arbites can get an additional move (1), nothing happens (2-3), they can get delayed (4-5) or even mislead (6). Randomness!
Die roll...
Ruttger's chitchattery is really effective! |
He leads the Arbites in the opposite direction, through the crowd of children, who ask for candy and a few coins |
(I like to envision this whole thing as a kind of Indiana Jones scene. Just for the sake of it. Adds more fun)
The other squads are still on the chase |
Once again they are dangerously close to Brent |
He's on the verge of reaching the lower bridge |
Administratum bailiffs, Squad A, Squad C, Squad B. Aaaaall of them on the chase |
Close-up of Squad B getting out of the building |
Hmm. This was becoming quite an unexpected outcome, the fugitive ahead (if slightly, but still ahead) and all the almost twenty chasers running behind. The
Benny Hill theme was beginning to sound in my head...
So time to add some more thrill. The chase of Brent Beronis has attracted the attention of a bounty hunter...
I am Batman |
On the top of the dock crane, Orpheus Khaled ponders the situation. The cockroaches are way too close to the prey. If they reach him, goodbye to the reward. But attacking the cockroaches would only work in benefit of the prey, who may escape. Difficult conundrum. The only logical situation is getting a kill. If he manages to shot the prey down in front of witnesses, not even the cockroaches can dispute it. The money for Beronis dead is good enough to give it a try.
He descends from the crane to get a clean shot before Brent escapes |
Brent crosses the bridge, followed by the Administratum clerk and the bailiffs, and then two squads of Arbites. The freshly arrived squad take positions on the roof of the warehouse.
Brent arrives to the dock area! |
You are not the only one who can act awesome, man! Look at me! |
Khaled misses the shot and kills another civilian |
The chase goes on, though we are in the very last turns... |
Everyone gets privileged firing positions |
Come on! Get the engines warm!! |
Bullets and ricochets fly all over. Brent gets on board and the wary boat sails slowly towards the wide estuary. A shot hits him despite being trying to cover himself behind the cargo crates. However, it is not enough to take him down.
The ship escapes under heavy fire and takes Brent to freedom |
Phew! This is it! Brent finally escaped. Maybe only temporarily, but he can call it a victory today!
The game resulted much better than I anticipated, though the final turns were quite a clumsy Benny Hill chase, one guy running and all the constabulary running behind (Yes, I've begun to envision it in fast motion with music; still unsure if that makes it still better!). However, the parts in which Brent begins to jump over bridges and rails were totally epic.
It's been quite a strange game, one side with just one mini and with strange dynamics. It's been all about running. Very few gunshots (I expected more 'hard action', though I was fearing about Brent having just two wounds; in the end it didn't turn that bad). The event cards made their role and I'm quite satisfied of how they worked. Maybe more interaction between the fugitive and the bounty hunter would have been fun too, will need to try. A shame that the local population didn't revolt in the end. That would most probably have avoided the Benny Hill situation, the Arbites engaged with rioters, but luckily it all turned out for good and was more balanced than it should may look at first sight.
So on the whole I'm quite happy with the result! I think I'm totally in for writing some more RT scenarios and stuff. Just remember that 2017 makes the 30th anniversary for Rogue Trader. I guess something will have to be done about it...