A second tough, badass warrior woman in a row!
You may remember the female Barbarian I painted for my HeroQuest (or you may not, hence
this link). The thing is that I loved the pose of the mini so much that I got two copies, with a specific idea in mind: I was doing an adventurer for RT settings.
I didn't have a clear idea of what was I specifically aiming for, so I let it flow and begun to add stuff from the bits box. This is the result:
-Hey sis. -Hey sis |
Let's have some close-ups. As you can see the general attitude remains (well, that was what called my eye in the first place).
Nothing screams 40K as a ridiculosly bulky bionic eye |
Main change was cutting the shield away. I sculpted a crude wristband and added an autogun (from a Necromunda weapons sprue?).
Shoulder pads with skulls is also a hint that this is 40K |
I also replaced the axe with a combat knife, which looked much more in place:
Oh, and a greenstuff wire thing. That eye really needs power supply |
Finally a Death Korps of Krieg backpack and this is pretty much it, we have a low-tech barbarian ready to live some adventures in the grimdark millenium blah blah
Smart casual dress code |
The face sculpt looked good enough to me to try dark skin. I mean, it didn't tell me that clearly 'caucasian'. Lips and nose weren't ultra thin, half of the face was covered by the bionic eye and I think the experiment worked good enough. I also read the clothes differently from the original, and used the full longcoat idea, which also works fine. You may see some attempt of embroidery pattern so it didn't look too flat. Red and yellow were almost default colours to roguetraderise the mini, but now I miss some checkers :P
It's a very simple conversion, not much greenstuff was used on her, it's been more a matter of kitbashing. Thing is I'm using quite a bit of greenstuff these days as I'm working an a wider project (unrelated to this lady). I hope I'll be able to show something next week.
See you then!