
A change of plans! (Wasteland Walker Pt. 2)

No matter how good your plans are. They never survive first contact with the enemy, i.e., reality. The good thing is that I never make plans, but simply build and paint as I fancy, so I guess I'm safe!

Remember the wasteland walker from a few days ago? Well, I did built it and left it for some days as I had some work issues out of home. But a sudden idea struck my mind. I was thinking of a suitable background for the mini, as the concept was wide open and could make several things with the design I had. What reason could that gentleman have for striding all over the wastelands outside vicious hive cities? Why is he riding such a mount and what is his purpose in life? The junk collector might fit in, as well as the bounty hunter. But then I got it. The idea of a Knight-Errant was so appealing. And then all the pieces came into place in my mind. I simply knew what I had to do. I had to make a change on the mini. A slight but relevant one.

I guess the best way of illustrating my point is just with a few pics. I delved into my bits box, as I knew I had what I needed. A very particular head.

'I don't get it', you may say, 'what's so special about this head?'
How is this going to be any improvement in comparison with the ciber-Kislevite? Well, I touched the head...

Is it recognisable now? Even with the blurry pic?
Oh, come on! You don't really see where am I going to?

Somewhere in the Segmentum Pacificus, in a place whose name I do not care to remember...
This is it. Now I have something. Please let me introduce you Don Qirixote of Manchae Prime.

No, don't worry, I'll wait until you stop laughing. Take your time.

So... Where were we? Oh, yes, let's go for some paint...

My usual burnt colours problem with pics

Just for the sake of it. Take these two pics. No paint, no effect was added between them, they were taken with mere seconds of diference, but just with different light:

Lemon yellow tone!

No, seriously, it's the same #@%&ing mini. This pic is closer to the real colour
Sigh. No more comments. Let's stick to the fact that I kept on painting it...

Almost finished
Here we have the final version:

Somewhere in the Segementum Pacificus, in a place whose name I do not care to remember, a gentleman lived during M.35, one of those who has an energy lance and ancient power field on a rack and keeps a clapped-out technag and a rusty cyberhound for racing [...]. Some claim that his family name was Quirixada, or Querexada, for there is a certain amount of disagreement among the authors who write of this matter, although [...] this does not matter very much to our story; in its telling there is absolutely no deviation from the truth.
And so, let it be said that this aforementioned gentleman spent his times of leisure - which meant most of the year - reading data slates of Space Marines, Inquisitors, Rogue Traders and chivalry with so much devotion and enthusiasm that he forgot almost completely about the hunt and even about the administration of his estate; and in his rash curiosity and folly he went so far as to sell his land, his ships, land speeders and servitors in order to buy data slates of chivalry to read, and he brought as many of them as he could into his house; and he thought none was as fine as those composed by the worthy Richard of Priestley, because the clarity of his prose and complexity of his language seemed to him more valuable than pearls [...].
With these words and phrases the poor gentleman lost his mind [and] became so caught up in reading that he spent his nights reading from dusk till dawn and his days reading from sunrise to sunset, and so with too little sleep and too much reading his brains dried up, causing him to lose his mind. His fantasy filled with everything he had read in his books, psychic powers as well as combats, battles, challenges, wounds, armour save, lascannons, Orks, Eldar, and he became so convinced in his imagination of the truth of all the countless grandiloquent inventions he read that for him no history in the world was truer.

So, in time, this Don Alonzo de Quirixada decided to clean some Imperial Guard armour of his ancestors, that had lain for ages forgotten in a corner, eaten with rust and covered with mould. He took his old techsteed Rho-102 (or Rho-CII, in Gothic numerals) and left his home in search of adventure, duels and undoing wrongs through the Galaxy...

Well, I think you get more or less the idea :D

Here you have a 360ยบ view of RhoCII:

Phew! It's taken some more time than expected (RealLifetm, you know), but here it is. But of course, if I've dared to take this Quixotesque path (in so many ways), it means that this project has just doubled, for now I need a sidekick worth of Don Quirixote of Manchae Prime!


  1. Pero que tarao. Me encanta.

    1. ¡Jaja, los proyectos locos son los mejores! ¡Gracias!

  2. That looks brilliant!
    Now . . . step . . . . away . . . . from . . . . the . . . . .Warmachine!

    1. Thank you! Haha, I still have to make a lot of decisions about it...

  3. Oh, sweet Odin!!! I love it! Awesome work my friend!

    1. Thank you very much! I could nor foresee the final result when I started to glue stuff together :D

  4. Just fantastic! The walker was great already, but this takes it to another level.

    1. Thank you! The Quixote touch was something that came to mind quite unexpectedly, but I found it terribly fun, I couldn't resist :)

  5. Ha! What a great spin to put on this figure. And having the "steed" be Rocinante really adds some additional pathos. One can how imagine its prior "life" as an agricultural machine.

    1. The interesting thing of this is the amount of layers you can unveil on the background of the mini. It started like some generic wasteland hunter and it has become quite a more powerful character. I have to develop it all quite more!

  6. NOW that mini really sings!
    I thought it was great before, but that one little change takes it to a whole other level.

    1. Thanks! I think it was the touch that I was missing, the purpose for the character. I might have to develop scenarios for him now!!

  7. Oh man, that is so cool - the concept, the build and the painting are all top draw mate, I love this!

    1. Thank you! I cannot take much credit on a serious planning, but letting myself go wherever this took me has been terribly fun :D

  8. Replies
    1. :D :D :D

      I'm beginning to think of windmills, you know...

    2. Oh, erhm... but of course!
      (Now I'm thinking of an scenario using Knights or those new Armigers in combination with tech-windmills... Oh, gosh)

  9. Yes, yes, yes! I love this project from concept to execution. I hope you consider painting an appropriate squire for the Don, perhaps a fellow by the name of Sancho Panzer.

    1. Hahaha!! This gets better and better. Sancho Panzer it is!! :D

  10. Great work, even before reading your text it was obvious that this was a 41st millennium version of Don Quixote so it really hit the mark. Excellent!

    1. Thank you very much, glad you like it! I haven't begun to design Sancho, but I hope something will come to mind anytime soon :D

  11. Marvellous from build to painted finish great work Suber!

    1. Thank you! I'm now thinking of how to build his loyal companion!

  12. The end results looks fantastic!!! Impressive work Suber :)

    1. Thank you! But I blame the lack of sleep and the excess of caffeine for these insanities...

  13. Bravo – he's a stunner! It's funny how serendipity can take an existing project somewhere new, isn't it? If you're still totting up ideas for his companion, how about a proper RT-style pun and have a micro-tank as Sancho Panzer? :)

    (Thumbs-up for the time period, too – would you mind if I shared this on Death of a Rubricist, as part of the Alien Wars?)

    1. Oh, but please! My intention was to contact you about it all whenever I had the happy couple finished. But by all means feel free to take whatever you want! Thank you!

  14. :O oh, marvelous and stunning at the same time.

    1. Haha, thanks! These are the things that happen in my mind. Shamefully I never get to build but a small part of that silliness :D

  15. I'm late to the party, but that is absolutely fantastic.

    Brilliant work.

    1. Thank you! This project was quite personal and enjoyed it a lot. I may have to expand it at some time in the future :D
