I'm back to my mining town vertical board!
Progress is slow, but I hope you can see how this is turning out.
This is what you saw last time (oh my, that was September!)
Previously, in Old School Workshop...
Well, I needed to build the next ascending ramp and also to close the space to the left of the pic with a wall.
The ramp is quite standard. 35 degrees up, DAS clay and a rolling pin:
Always up and up
I have some vague ideas of what will I build next, but nothing too studied. I kept my options open with that wall. I want some stairs down (and probably up too), hence the wide gate.
For now I just wanted to close that space
Daylight and texture
Now that I took the stairs out from the main access, it all looked too empty. I thought I could make some kind of archway or whatever. Nothing too distracting, but adding some volume and depth.
Some medina kind of thing
So, some priming spray later...
The road goes ever on and on...
OK, then I faced some kind of mental block. Have a look at the pic above. How on Earth am I supposed to end up linking the road (which is going up and left) with the platform on the right?
I thought of a couple solutions.
OPTION A: A piece of brick/stone/adobe ramp and then a large metal catwalk
Challenging and most certainly ugly
OPTION B: Another ramp to the upper floor and then to take back my old aspiration of using the bridge:
More feasible, but again ugly nevertheless
It would have to be removable to allow gaming below
I have an Option C on the table (well, more in my mind than anywhere else), but I still have to see if it's remotely feasible (which I doubt) before I embarrass myself :P
Anyway, I'll leave that decision for antoher day (though I'd love to hear your thoughts!)
What I needed to do next was adding details and finishing what I had already built. So, the usual treatment. Some doors, a/c units, lamps, wires, tubes...
You know, the standard stuff
It's far from being finished, I have to add signs, posters, dirt and so on, but I think it's presentable.
Lots of details to be added. Eventually. Probably.
You can see here the general aspect of the section. That post is made wit a sprue and other bits. Looks fragile, I don't know how long will it resist there!
A general overview of the (unfinished) section.
You may remember (or not) that the elevated door on the right wall had an access via stairs, but that made unplayable the street below. So I took out the stairs and made a catwalk to the opposite platform:
Sprue handrails!
I also made a connection to the hole in the back, with another catwalk, just in the same way:
From an angle...
...and the other
Oh, the corner up there. I used a WHFB statue, I think it can fairly pass as a WH40K Saint of the Imperium or something. It's unfinished, I will add candles, offerings and stuff of the like:
At least the general idea is yet fixed
So this is it so far! Here you have a general overview of the whole thing:
Unsettingly unpopulated
At this point I'm unsure of what will be my next step. I want to give a definite solution to the bridge/catwalk/whatever dilemma, but I think that I have to plan the rest of the general structure of the board first, as the future buildings to the left (and back) will somehow condition the structure that must support that bridge/catwalk/whatever.
We'll see!!