Happy new year everyone!
I hope everybody's doing well. I'm starting this year's activity with a kind of unexpected bonus that happily allows me to declare a project finished, which is always a reason to rejoice :)
When I was finishing the Aliens vs Predator project my pal told me 'oh, BTW, I totally forgot, I also have the 2nd ed of the game and an expansion' :O
Well, I should have seen that coming. I would have preferred to paint the whole lot at a time, but fortunately this time it was but a fistful of minis, which made things easier.
I begun with the easy stuff, the Aliens. The poses of the Xenomorphs in this box is much better than the first edition ones.
Much more dynamic and daring
These were called 'drones' in the 1st ed, now they are called 'infants'. The semantics escape me
The stalkers are creepier. The use of scenery reinforces the crawling menace vibe
So these are the Aliens in the new box:
Cheers. Winners of the scariest smile contest of this year
The Predators were tricky again. The fishnet suit is a little nightmare to paint, but in the end it wasn't as much as a hell as I feared. There's one repeated pose, the Discobolus Predator, but the other two are new.
Greek, classical Predators
The Colonial Marines were new too. Again, a couple of them used the base as a vignette. I forgot to mention, the second edition minis have the base integrated on them, which gives nice lookings.
Looking for trouble
Again, it's a shame they couldn't do the characters from the movie, but these serve their purpose more than enough. I love the Corps!
My pal also got an expansion. It is called Hot Landing Area, and features these nice gentlemen:
Nothing new about them painting wise, just the same recipe
Tech Barbarian in spaaace. With another head could fit into a Mad Max setting or something
One of them is not human
When I got these minis I didn't recognise them at first. I thought they were colonists. Only later on I learned they were prisoners, like the ones you can see on the fanfic film Alien3 (It's a shame they only made two Alien movies, right? I would have loved to have many more, but no other one was ever shot. Ever. A shame, I say).
I don't think you can really say from the pic, but the uniforms are not the same green. Jackets are darker than pants. And all the skin tones are different. The one in blue is not a prisoner, but a synthetic, the one in charge of their custody.
With this I can finally say this Aliens vs Predator project is closed (well, that statement is never true, but you know). What now? I have to come back to the Gargant, but I think I may do some other side works in the meantime. Who knows!
Anyway, I hope 2022 starts fantastically for all of you. See you soon!