This was supposed to be a quick side project, a palette cleanser I could handle in a week or so, two weeks top. Then life got in the middle and here I am, just a month later. Ouch.
All these were part of a kickstarter campaign by Diehard Miniatures, too many years ago. I've been postponing them for too long, but I finally managed to put them on the bench. This Space Lizards have of course nothing to do with Slanns in Space and it's of course far from my thoughts to establish any relation between these concepts or Rogue Trader setting or whatever. No, seriously, they are enormously cool by themselves, I'll let you judge.
Jules and Vincent
My first move was priming them white and keeping the bodysuits and armour like really white. Then I painted the common elements, such as straps, skulls, clothes and so.
I was avoiding to paint the skin for no particular reason, but in the end I think it's due to my previous work on World of Twilight stuff. That project purposedly involves bright skin and eye-harming patterns, but this didn't need to be like that, I could use some gaudy colours, sure, but some earthy tones as well. So I did both.
I should have added an epilepsy warning
The models are enormously satisfying. They have an old school aura that makes them quite appealing to me.
What's not to love about this guy?
He looks like he's gonna enjoy kicking your butt with this
I had some dilemma bout the eyes. Making them just black (as the pic above) looked good, they were quite menacing, but in the end I tried more lizard-y eyes.
I found that this tone of green suits every other colour I used on the skins
I wanted (I really wanted) to paint some glyphs or Slann-like decorations on the clothes, armour and weapons, but my poor eyes and my poor pulse voted against it, so I just settled for some very simple geometric patterns. I fear that MidLifeCrisis.exe may be on the edge of trying to install itself on the system, but I still resist. The ophtalmologist just refused to put some glasses on me last week, saying it still wasn't worth of it, but I'm afraid I'm beginning to find it hard to paint some details on the minis. The good part of it is that I can put the blame on that, instead of poor painting skills!
OK, enough ranting, let's go for the finished guys:
Tech-Mage |
Warrior leader
With a fabulous feathered shield
Yet carrying a gun, just in case
Another more tech-looking leader
With essentially the same shield, without feathers
Mag-gun wariors
Still no idea of what profiles I'll use for them or their weapons
I still have some concerns about the palette. I think I may have been bewildered by my idea of painting them in immaculate white, both bodysuit and helmets. I feel like the minis would have benefited of some more colour variation between both. I painted the weapons in bone/beige to provide more colour, but I still have some doubts about making them all so white. Anyway, that's the way they are now, so I have to move on.
Colour! More colour!
No matter how much they run, I still have the same feelings
Finally, the Mag-staff guys
I tried to make them look specially uniformed
Which is kind of difficult if people start to came to work with these helmets on
Yet they look professional
I'm using these last four as bodyguards, as they look quite suitable for that. The VIP Very Important Lizards they are scorting are these other gorgeous fellows, one from the Colony87 ranges and the other a conversion from World of Twilight:
Ambassador and Merchant. Or vice versa
So this is how all my Space Lizards (to date) look:
I know, I need a proper backdrop. I have to solve that!
I hope I can resume my normal hobby rate soon, stay tuned!