
Not-Adeptus Mechanicus adepts

 Another couple of Astropolis minis today. Oficially named "Spaceship Engineers", they have a strong Adeptus Mechanicus vibe, I really couldn't see anything else. They had to be dressed in red, of course, which meant that in fact there were few decisions left to make this time.

Trust me, I'm an engineer

This is my precission tech-calliper
I think that if I changed that tool with some kind of tech-spear/axe/weapon of your choice, it would made a decent Skitarius or a bodyguard for a Techpriest, something like that. However I liked the mini as it was. He doesn't look flamboyant as a real high rank Techpriest, he looks more like a simple adept. I guess I could use this guy as an Enginseer serving in the Imperial Guard, but for the moment I'm leaving it open.
Let's have a look at the other one:

You do prefer that mask to may true face, trust me

This is my travel cloak. The other one is on the laundry
This one has quite a strong post-apoc looking to my eye, but I think he totally fits in my RT-aesthetic stuff. If you think of it, there are not only Techpriests all over the Imperium to perform each and every function. Their temples are served by lower adepts, who also serve the Omnissiah wherever they are required. I think these two will fit in my long forgotten ongoing mining town board, a small fringe settlement40 where the words of Terra and Mars are but mere whispers.

40K AdMech Daft Punk
Just a size comparison pic. Well, I see I have some work to do to give any coherence to bases. But you get an idea:

Statuesque, Astropolis, Colony87, Astropolis, Hasslefree
And a final shot of the Astropolitans so far:

With ten minis more I could make the cover for a Codex

I'm getting comfortable with this updating rate, making progress little by little but having minis actually finished. I don't know what will I bring next, so stay tuned!


  1. Wooooow! Excellent looking Miniatures!

    1. Thanks! They were a treat to paint :)

  2. Lovely work on the figures!

    The miniatures themselves are super characterful too!

    1. Thank you! They have their own particular charm, don't they? They were so enjoyable!

  3. Astropolis make terrific figures. You have certainly brought them to life excellently.

    1. Thank you! The Astropolis ranges are pure love, I'm looking forward to slick some paint on the rest!

  4. Great painting Suber, on some interesting looking models, could see a use for these in multiple settings, and work perfectly well as Adepts

    1. Thanks, that's the great thing about these, I might be biased and saw Mech Adepts, but I clearly see they fit in quite a number of ambientations :)

  5. Nice work on fantastic figures!

    1. Thanks! I need some ships, motors or stuff for them to goof around!

  6. Looking very good there. They've got a lot of character!

    1. Thank you! They do, don't they? Quite interesting ranges indeed!

  7. We love Igor Karpov's miniatures for the fantasy world, but even these from the Astropolis series are really special.
    We like very much how you managed to give the adepts a worn, low-tech look getting their hands dirty, rather than having sparkling space armours.
    To our profane eyes, grass bases look uncommon for fi-sci... unless fellow citizens of the colony where the characters from Astropolis live have an exceptional green thumb!

    1. Oh, the whole Brueghelburg thing is so great! Haha. I constantly struggle with bases and decorations! My current ongoing board is desert-like, but I cannot help to add a little bit of grass or tufts everywhere!

  8. Glad I wasn't the only one thinking "Admech-Daft-Punk" when I saw the pair of them together. Flippin love these mate. Perfect for a run down backwater settlement, far far from the Imperium in general.

    I want to see more of this "Mining Settlment".

    1. Haha, the AdMech Daft Punk is now officially a thing! XD
      Oh, my mining settlement is a long neglected project of mine, it's a large board of precisely that kind of backwater world.
      Looking back, my last progress on this was Dec 2020, glups!:
      I think I should create a label of its own...

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks! They are enormously cool and work perfectly for different ambientations, but the AdMech vibe was clearly ringing a bell to me!

  10. Indeed a great looking pair of Adeptus Mechanicus lookalikes! It's always great when there is little decision to be made on the color scheme as the work can begin faster and end quicker :)

    1. Right! This was a total no-brainer, I simply got them on the bench and immediately knew what had to be done :)

  11. Another pair of splendid looking RT types, can totally see them in your mining settlement!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! I think they'll do their part :D

  12. El concepto de unos Adeptus del Mechanicus errantes, o simplemente unos meros aprendices autodidactas, que hacen lo que pueden manteniendo en marcha maquinarias a fuerza de tesón y cabezoneria, me encanta.

    Las minis destilan un aire errabundo que me gusta mucho. El pintado muy acertado, sirve para reforzar esa imagen, al tiempo que lo asocia al imaginario colectivo del Adeptus Mechanicus.

    Personalmente, creo que estás minis, son las mejores de la última tanda de Astropoli que has pintado.


    1. Es que es lo que tienen estas minis, ese aire vagabundo postapocalíptico. Pueden pasar por Mechanicus, pero se ve que no encajan en un sitio hipertecnológico, sino que pegan en algún agujero de mala muerte. Vamos, me vienen de maravilla para mi actual ambientación :)
