
Even more scenery for the 'Book of the Astronomican' campaign

More cheap stuff as promised :D

We needed some more buildings and garbage piles. Once again, I was determined to keep the RT spirits and to totally scratchbuild everything. So, where to begin from? The obvious answer is the local shop:
Minis can go to hell, I want to be a chef
For unknown reasons, this bowl was cheaper than plastic ones. I couldn't resist, I had a plan...
Ooops! What happened?

As you can see, everything is made of scrap bits; even the ladder on the upper floor is nothing else than staples. This is the final result:

Two minis for scale:
Hm, the architect forgot a railing here!

I hope it looks as it was taken from the 80's, at least that's the intention! Next week I'll show you these games, as I told you last day. Stay tuned! ;)



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! Old School atmosphere, and everything in a budget!

  2. That is awesome, I'm still building a few bits for Wolf Time and this is giving me new ideas.

    1. Haha, I'm glad you like it! Please feel free to take whatever you want :)

  3. Reaaly greta, the other thing that attracted my eye is the typical orcish house next to the dome. I lilked and always do those houses with checkers on th eside compared to jus pile of rubbish which seems to be the average ork housing nowadays...
    There was a time when orks almost had a culture and architecture inspite of being just junk users.
    Your scenery is rellay great and makes us want to build some too !

    1. You are so right! I'm a great defender of Ork culture and it annoys me so much the 'scrap dealer' concept they have now. The Orks were some of the most detailed races back in time, with some pretty fine books full of lore. I find it quite disapponting to see how much personality they have lost along the years. So checkers up!!

  4. Guau, la casa me recuerda a las de Dragon Ball. Eso me da ideas... ;)

    1. ¡Jaja, eso me dijeron cuando la hice! Y es verdad que tiene un aire a Dragon Ball, a toda esa imaginería de ciencia ficción de los 80 llena de curvas. Me pareció graciosa de construir y terriblemente sencilla, así que te animo a que hagas cosas parecidas :).

  5. Ualaaa! Como mola esa escenografía!

    1. ¡Muchas gracias! Como ves no son más que restos y basurilla. Ya lo digo ahí, lo más caro fue el cacharro de cocina, y no llegó ni a los 2€. ¡Filosofía Rogue Trader!

  6. Great! Pure Old School!! Who needs those overdetailed-buy-me-or-else kits from GW? Not me! Thanks for sharing! (You know I still am using the plastic buildings from 2nd Ed!) :)

    1. Thank you! Though GW has some fine scenery, I find it too overdone and too 'overskulled'. Simple designs are much more peaceful for me, I enjoy much more this 'naive' sci-fi rather than Dreadgothic. I mean, I love Gothic architecture and I find it beauty, but sometimes it's too much for me finding nothing else than arches and skulls...

  7. This is awesome stuff and very inspiring! I do use the new stuff from GW but I have to say it would be nice to use some scratch built stuff. I've just got a load of those cardboard ruins from the 2nd Ed boxset; I might give them a whirl soon!!

    1. Thanks! Haha, you should indeed! They really have some charm!
