
Project HeroQuest: A few pieces of furniture

Not a big advance, but good enough for me! Just couldn't face another bunch of twenty identical minis :D

So.... some furniture to make this dungeon a home! First of all, the weapons rack. No dungeon is worth of that name without one of these:
This weapons rack is sponsored by the Lannisters
The game has a couple of cardboard bookcases. I know there is a number of companies making resin bookcases, but the other day I was wandering over Hasslefree about other things and saw these, so I just purchased them as well:
Warhammer rulebooks of all editions so far

Finally, these were quite unnoticed by me in my bits box for years. But I saw them the other day and just made them into the project:
Smaug has a little bit more, but who cares
I believe they surely are from GW (Those skulls are way too characteristic), but can't honesty say much more. Now they belong to my dungeon :D

That's it for the moment. I told you I got some stuff from Hasslefree. I'm currently painting that. The only clue I'll give you is that it has nothing to do with HeroQuest ;)

You'll see in a few days!


  1. Preciosos!
    Esos cofres... puede que sean de los milicianos del imperio? Yo también los tengo, pero ahora que lo dices, yo tampoco recuerdo de dónde los saqué!

    1. Sinceramente no soy capaz de recordarlo. Debe ser de algún proyecto loco que debí empezar hace años y no fui capaz de acabar nunca. Pero no hay mal que por bien no venga, aquí están, enteramente reutilizables :D

  2. Hey, I like those bookcases (and the accompanying joke!)...real furniture is of little interest to me, but furniture for tin soldiers is awesome.

    1. Thanks! I will try to make this dungeon a comfy home! Worthy of any evil sorcerer deserving that name!

  3. That weapon rack is a nice piece! Nicely painted too. :)

    1. Thank you! I also find it truly lovely, amazing sculpt if you think it is 25 years old!!

  4. I have been fond of that weapon rack since I first saw it for some reason. I love it when people take the time to work on some objective markers and furniture. Those are the little things that bring the game to life in my opinion.

    The treasure chests came on the Mordheim accessory sprue I think. Its a pretty cool sprue. I have one of those chests on the painting table at the moment. I plan to use it as a Freebooter pirate objective marker.

    1. Thank you! I also believe these things make the difference in ambientation, I really enjoy them. Hm, I'm looking forward to see your pirate objective markers, those for sure are going to be a thing! :)

  5. ahh the old weapon rack, often the most damaged piece of the furniture in any copy, you have done a great job on yours, those book cases look interesting.

    I'll have to see if I can get some of those chests from Mordhiem's gamesystem....

    1. Thanks!
      The chests are nice, but there are plenty of pieces out there on the web, I guess it wouldn't be that difficult to get some nice chests :)
