
Project HeroQuest: Chaos Warriors

A few more guys for HeroQuest! Quite an easy job this time, you know I tend to keep things simple, and I have done so this time too.

I thought of a different set of combinations and going real oldschool with these, I mean colourful armours in red, purple, blue and yellow. But I soon discarded the idea, I thought I still could make them look integrated in the game with more usual colours. So black was my most obvious option:
Does this armour make me look fat?

The recipe is the usual, a mix of black, dark prussia blue and grey, in different proportions for highlighting. I guess that's pretty much it, no big deal. I also thought of adding some trimming patterns with silver or any other colour, but... you know, I'm too lazy. Guilty as charged. I really thought I wasn't ready to do that work to all the minis.
Buuut, instead of that, some of them have slight modifications:
Repositioned arms, that's all

So not those flamboyant Chaos Warriors you can spot over the web, but some modest guys to make things difficult to the hero buddies in the dungeon.
Bullies in black
I have been browsing the net in search of more furniture and I believe I can find almost anything. I need to work more on that aspect, but for the moment I guess everything is on schedule. Well, that would be if I had a schedule, but you know what I mean...


  1. I know what you mean.

    The "workmanlike" scheme you went with is just as effective as the fancier/brighter ones I think- Warriors of the Darkness and all that.
    The arm swapping/repositioning is a nice touch too, adds a bit of variety.

    1. Thanks! I think the black palette works fine. Maybe in the future I'd dare to try a different scheme (whenever I buy new models, we'll see then...)

  2. Vamos, sé un hombre! Pinta al menos uno en rojo/naranja...


    1. ¡Jaja, eso era demasiado, pero tengo que atreverme! En un futuro tendré que pillar figuras más dinámicas, entonces es posible que me atreva...

  3. For some reason those leather gloves make me think he is going to take them off any minute, slap them across the face of a rival and yell ... I challenge you sir to a duel! ^_^

    1. Hahaha!! I should make a vignette!! :D

  4. nice work on those Chaos warriors.

    1. Thank you! I may dare to try different colours in the future, but for now they work :)
