

It's strange how these things happen. Last week's post about Minotaurs was originally going to have more stuff, not just Minotaurs. It was just one more mini, but well, it was something. It was this one, also from the Space Riders KS set.

It was going into final stages of production
I had no specific plans for this one. As I'm currently not into the Dredd-related universe stuff, I had no intentions of specifically having this Mean Machine. However, I could have given him a good use as a technothug in the streets of Besenval, of course. That was where I was heading to. Buut, then I saw what I had unintentionally done to his skin. Pale, sick... what I really had in my hand was not a technothug, but a 40K Servitor! The idea just popped up and it strangely made sense. A menial, mindless drone; lab-grown flesh, tech-augmented for a specific purpose.

So, of course it needed some additional work...

Ahhh, fashion in WH40K world...
Funnily enough, last weekend, Master Asslessman did something in the same direction, with a magnificent industrial worker, and he used orange for the jumpsuit, as I myself was in fact doing with this one, repeating the colours I had already used for the Servitor in the dock crane. I can't compare my work to his, of course, but I think this one turned out well, enough for my purposes:

Bad attitute servitor
'Besenval Portus' and the bar code
Imposing beast!

So in the end I'm glad I didn't paint any tatoos as it was my original intention nor turned him into a thug, the Servitor stuff makes this piece different, and it still is in the right mood I'm looking for my project.

So now for more stuff!!


  1. Wow, I have to say this little modification really changes a lot and the orange jumpsuit just works perfectly with him ! (maybe I'm a littl biased myself). I really like what you did here !

    1. Thank you! It was a funny happenstance seeing your mini the other day. Labour power :D:D:D

  2. He looks like one badass mofo Suber. Cool conversion work with the GS man!

    Well done :)

    1. Haha, thanks! He's a Servitor badass thug :D

  3. That is flippin' brilliant! Great vision, great conversion, great painting... Amazing!

    1. Thank you! Just an example of mind scattering that perverts everything I touch and deviates minis from their original purpose :D

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! You never know where these projects are gonna end...

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you! I think the zip is a little bit crude, but it works at tabletop distance...

  6. And orange is the new black too!!! It also doubles as a prison uniform. Nice work Suber! ^_^

    1. Hehe, dual purpose minis, I like the sound of that...
