
Screws and tendons

I may have already told this, I don't remember. Just in case: My original plan involved having my Imperial Assault finished by the release of Ep. VII. By now, I'm quite confident of having it for the Rogue One Episode VIII release. Maybe.

Today let me show some apparently easy stuff that proved challenging in the end. First of all the Probe Droids. Challenging? How could these models mean any problem? You just had to paint them monocrhome, that's all!
Sorry. By now you should know it's not that simple. Oh, well, that proved right for the first model:

But I couldn't have three identical models! Could I? The problem here was how was I supposed to innovate in any way with the most static minis ever. My only chance was repositioning the limbs:

Not sure if attacking, free hugs or robot epilepsy. Haters gonna hate
The third one was the real challenge. What else could I do after that one? I'm afraid I took too much risk. I tried to depict it in the precise moment of leaping on its prey, so it should look really dynamic. But...

Apparently now droids take samba lessons
Anyway, here you have the three of them:

The drunken droids
The other kind of model I chose was the Nexu. Another almost impossible to convert model. Given the circumstances, I thought this was the best apporach I could take:

Nexu Rampant
So the unaltered model was left like this:

What big teeth you have!
While the other now looks like this:

Meow! Ehrm. I mean... Grawr!
So here's the two of them:

Now bring the ball of yarn

So well, that's some progress! I'm a little closer to finishing the whole game! Soon... Soon...


  1. Superb! I like the probe droid conversions in particular.

    1. Thank you! It was kinda experimental, but they turned out fun!

  2. Oh, man, I love your conversions! That pouncing droid made my day -- very insectoid and menacing. I'm so glad I get to see what you are doing with these minis at the same time as I'm painting them.

    And I picked up one of your tricks... I've now started using copper wire to replace the bendy light-sabers on the miniatures. I think it really improves the figures. So thanks for that idea!

    1. Thank you! I must say your work on Imperial Assault is inspirational, I may follow some of your steps :)
      Glad I gave you a trick! Technically then I can say it counts as a Jedi Trick! :D

  3. WoooW! great work and conversion on this SW minis!

    1. Thank you! Not the easiest ones to reinterpret, but at least they look different now!

  4. Excellent work!

  5. Replies
    1. That's what happens when you abuse of high octane beverages! :D

  6. Nice one dude - the droids are cool, but the re-pose on the Nexu is brilliant! High five!

    1. Thank you! I didnt't have much choices with that mini, the rampant pose was the only thing I could came up with In the end it doesn't look that bad!

  7. Nice models and painting, as always :)

    1. Thank you! The project still goes on and on...

  8. Those probe droids are kick arse Suber! You definitely pulled off their reposes.

    Forgive my ignorance, but where are they from? I've always wanted some of them.

    Top stuff man :)

    1. Thanks! They are part of the Imperial Assault boardgame, but I honestly don't know if FFG sell them in separate blisters!

  9. Great work on the um, kitty cat! Not easy, to be sure, but the result paid off. Why is one of your images mis-linked, btw? Hilarious, but odd ;)

    As for those droids, static maybe, but a creepy design that's one of the more original ones of the old SW films. I think your paint jobs captured the insectoid look quite well!

    1. Thanks! Mis-linked? Which one? I can see all of them right using my browser :O
      Anyway, glad you like them!

  10. Super cool work Suber! Love them all. :)
    Are these minis from the Imperial Assault board game?

    1. Thank you! Right, they all come frome the game, I'm trying to make them all different, can't wait to have them all and run a game!
