
Staying afloat

Back to my posponed urban scenery project, which seemed to have fallen into oblivion. I had this kit rolling over my workbench for quite a while. It's a river barge by MadMechaGuy, who produce quite interesting MDF stuff.

No, not Ikea. MadMechaGuy I said
Pretty straightforward kit, assembling wise, and larger than expected!

In its rough shape
You can see I took the easy road. Just grey spray over black priming and black spray over it around the hatches, to show its industrial nature. Maybe the barge carries coal, strange ore or some dirty smuggling, who knows.

This was more or less what you get from the kit itself:

Still had to add the protecting tires on both sides

I had a look at the bit box and tried to find some rubbish I could throw over the deck. What kind of stuff could you find on a barge like this? Some ropes, strange tools, a funny shaped piece of plastic (from some clothes, I recall?) I could use as bollard, an old piece of gauze (I had previously used as camouflage net back in the day) that looked dirty enough as a... fishing net? industrial net? Whatever. It all looked nice and helped to fill in the barge, so it didn't look so empty.

Still playable
This is how it looks on the board:

Another regular day at the docks
You can get an idea of its size on this pic:

Damn, I'm gonna need a larger board
I really wanted to have the barge finished. I've been neglecting my urban board for too long, but I have so many projects open at the time! I still have some kits at home (and many civilians!), I hope they'll see some paint anytime soon!


  1. Looks really good, a job well done. When you expand your board collection you can include some slightly wider waterways on the new sections teehee! ;P The deck clutter is excellent.

    1. Thank you!Yup, I guess my only reasonable choice is expanding my boards (oh my, what am I doing?...) :D

  2. I'm sure this will make for some fun scenarios.

    1. I hope so! The idea of a skirmish on a moving barge sounds appealing (with rules allowing you to sink it, of course). Hmmm, I need to develop that..

  3. Looking good mate!

  4. Excellent job dressing up what might have been just a box.

    1. Thank you! That was exactly my thought, adding something so it wasn't just a plain, dull deck, but it looked like something actually in use (but still allowing enough surface to play on it). Glad you like it :)

  5. Lovely ponton, it can also be used as a mini-board for boarding action fun.
    The extra bits tying it nicely into the setting.
    I don't think it needs a bigger board, it gives the whole a much more crowded feel. Even a chase over the ponton and boats is a possibility.

    1. Thanks! Certainly a chase is something to consider, jumping over barges and boats. A drowned scenario with little elements over the water level could make a nice game. Hmmmm...

  6. Your terrain always blows me away. I was thinking about some of your urban landscapes a little while ago - they are extremely memorable.

    1. Thank you very much! I enjoy letting myself go, but now it's become quite a storage problem!

  7. Your painting output is phenomenal. Hmmmmm ... where do you keep all this stuff? Do you have a Mary Poppins bag? ^_^

    1. Haha, I'm starting to need one! I'm afraid I just stack all the pieces along in a kind of Tetris-in-the-closet!

  8. estupendo!
    Pega con el resto de puta madre! jajajaja
    cada vez molaran más las partidas en esta mesa!

    1. ¡Gracias, jajaja! Tengo que diseñar algún escenario loco para poder usar la barcaza...
