
Scouting Anyaral

Another quick update in the World of Twilight front, as I've finished another tiny batch :)

Let me begin with the Casanii Scout, a sweet mini that called for another colourful paintjob :D

And I am calling for a photography course. Sigh
Though you can only see a lemon yellow skin, there are two layers of shadows and two of highlights, promise. Agh.
I went for a simple scheme; I hadn't used yellow that much until now, so I thought it was worth of a try. In fact I also replicated the same scheme in one of the minis of the next batch:

Colour splash!

The Mutts were fun to do. I particularly enjoyed the second from the left, the one in shades of green. I think I'd like to repeat the effect with other colours, I'll have to make some experiments...

Finally, the Skerrats:

Furry colour splash!
You have to be careful when trying to paint fur in too flashy colours, the Muppet effect risk is quite high, so it's probably a good idea to be somehow restrained within the colour explosion, if that even makes any sense. However, I think these work fine enough; but I may give deeper thoughts for the next batch.

I certainly haven't still closed the project, so expect some more of these anytime soon...


  1. Beautiful mate, I love your approach to this project - the colourfulness is superb!

    1. Thank you! That's what I tried, a different path out from the grimdarkness I was used to paint! :)

  2. That scout is great. Your bright palate works perfectly for him

    1. Thank you! I was quite doubtful about the bright yellow, but it didn't turn out that bad, so I'm kind of happy with the result.

  3. Brightly colored reptiles in nature are usually poisonous. Don't know why but that thought popped into my head when I say your beautiful paint jobs! :)

    1. sorry typo ... saw not say

    2. Haha, right, I took some references from poisonous reptiles at the beginning of the project, I really enjoy how nature can be so beautifully random and diverse!!

  4. They look a bit like poisonous frogs :). The left two mutts are definitely my favourites, but the scout and other mutts are we'll done too.
    The skerrats are colourwise a bit too busy for me. Perhaps because of the fur.

    1. Thanks! I'm afraid you may be right, that's what I meant with the Muppet effect. I think I need to take a step back for the rest of the furs I still have to paint and plan them more carefully.
