Though the title may be quite self explanatory, I'll yet try to surprise you. A few weeks ago I got to show the
Space Sharks Captain and told you about my plan of mustering a realscale force.
Now it is time to show my evil plan, or at least part of it. You may be familiar with this mini...
Pic shamelessly stolen from Lexicanum |
I forgot to take a pic from my own original model, ooops. Well, the thing is, here we have a Space Marine in Terminator Armour... You see where I am going here?
This one indeed is my model |
Right, you might have seen several conversions of the Space Hulk minis, but I sincerely hope you have never seen what I am about to do with them :D
I pretend to use the Space Hulk terminators as realscale marines. Given the baroque ornamentation of all of them, I hope I can make a Veteran squad out of these minis, as well as some characters. So I'm starting with the Librarian, as I think it will be the easiest of all the bunch.
In the pic above you can see what I'm doing, cutting out the back structure, but leaving the rest more or less untouched. Then I need some rebuilding work with greenstuff...
I lowered the arms to give him a human silhouette and placed the book on the backpack |
So the conversion is rather simple, you see. As said before, that is why I chose this model, to try the basics and see where the limits are. He looks like this when painted...
Hey! What happened to the stairs? |
Why do I look like I'm dancing? |
Some decisions I made. I'm replacing ordinary bases for flat ones (by Renedra). It's something I saw at
Lead Adventure Forum and I really like it. As these minis have the metal tag no more, there is no need for slotta bases. A little bit minimalist, well, but I like innovating. Thanks for the idea, Elbows!
There is a hole in the mound. I wanted to sculpt some weird lizard or something, but I've been unsuccessful so far. I might give it another try at some point in the future.
Acoording to official background, Carcharodons are extremely pale, as descendenas of the Raven Guard, and have deep, dark eyes with almost no sclera. Just like sharks, how original. Ahem. I simply ignored that and painted him with tanned skin; I didn't dare to paint Maori tattoos on his face, the risk of screwing it all was too high.
Talking about the Maori inspiration for the Carcharodons, I painted a Tiki on the kneepad. It's a symbol of the first man, the relation between men and gods; I thought it might be appropiate for the guy with the magic powers.
In a Disney movie it would totally speak. Now you may be humming the Moana songs |
I also mase some other Maori inspired decorations, but didn't want to overdo the mini. The armour looks mildly worn, as it is the general aspect I want this force to have.
Yup, I'm the Librarian. No, not the one from the movies. Give that book back, you scoundrel! |
I also replaced the Captain's base, so here you have them both:
Space Maorines! |
This is it for today. But it has started! From now on you can expect the whole set of Space Hulk termies to be desecrated and converted into towering realscale badasses. More to come soon(ish)!