
(Belated) Easter Eggs

 I wasn't really planning to start this project at the time, but last week I looked at my calendar and I saw it was Easter, and then I inexplicably fancied painting some Easter eggs.

Unfortunately I didn't have any at hand, so... I painted the closest thing I could find around.

Awful pic, even by my standards

These are part of the other large kickstarter campaign I got into in 2015, the Aliens vs Predator game by Prodos Games. I guess the story of this KS doesn't need to be told. Enough to say it experienced some... troubles and wasn't delivered until three years later or so. Long story short, I was quite dissapointed. By the day the game arrived I didn't really recall what my pledge contained (Remember? Just the same that happened with the Conan KS), but I was pretty sure I hadn't ordered some items. Whatever.

Let's focus on the silver lining. The minis are really good. I mean it. I have already played the game and I have enjoyed it. So I really had no reason to not paint them all, and having finished the Conan thing, this moment was as good as any other. So be it!

Most definitely Easter Eggs

I started them last week, but just finished them today. Harsh week, you know. It would have been fun to post them during Easter, but couldn't make it. However, here they are.

Alongside the eggs I also painted these lovely facehuggers.

I'm no biologist, but these are the strangest Easter Bunnies I've ever seen

 I'm painting my own set and my pal's too at the same time, so I guess you can expect a lot of minis on this project! This time I will be posting minis as I paint them, not as I did with the Conan game. Or at least this is my intention today. Don't know if I will keep the plans next month :D

For now I can say Hadley has little Hope

This is it for today. I cannot say what I will paint next (or when!), as I still have maaany other ongoing projects, but well, it will be fun to discover!


  1. Nice work - they look suitably unwholesome! I've seen some of these models for sale on ebay and they look really good. Good to hear that the game is decent, too.

    1. Thanks! The sculpts are more than nice. The facehuggers have some 3D print issues, but you can't even notice at tabletop distance. The game is fun, can't wait to have everything painted and play again!

  2. Awesome work mate! I have a few colonial Marines waiting for painting :)

    1. Thank you! The marines are ace, I really look forward to painting them!

    2. Well... They are, as the man said, in some real pretty shit now 😄😯

      These are great!

    3. This gonna be an interesting bug hunt! :D

  3. They look great! I'm sure they will get a lot of use regardless of the game played.

    1. Thanks! All the sculpts are really cool. Despite all the production problems of the KS, I have to say they did a decent work on the minis

  4. Unpleasant looking eggs and critters, I guess that's what you were aiming for so very successful!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you! I had some trouble trying to get the right colours, until I thought I could highlight flesh with yellow. That gave the facehuggers that sick, pale aspect. In the end it worked better than expected!

  5. Desde luego, lo maravilloso de este blog, es que nunca sabemos con qué nos sorprenderás. Me gusta mucho cómo has dejado esos huevos de Aliens, no me parece fácil dejarlos tan limpios como tú has logrado y que al mismo tiempo sigan quedando así de inquietantes.

    1. ¡Gracias! Lo divertido es que por lo general... ¡yo tampoco lo sé!

  6. Ha ha ... best Easter eggs ever :)

    1. Seemed proper for this time of the year!

  7. The pics of the facehuggers is making my skin crawl...

    1. Well, I wouldn't like to walk around all those little buggers... I guess we are needing more flamethrowers!

  8. Best Easter pun ever.
    Lovely (that is to say, disgusting and creepy) work, Suber. The facehuggers look real.

    1. Haha, thanks! The whole concept is scary, the mere vision of them all gives me the shivers!
