While working on the Gargant I like to keep on painting other little side projects, small things that leave me at least a glimpse of what closure must be :D
Among the many lovely treasures Iain from Cave Adsum 1471 provided me I found the legendary Squig Katapult, a model I always wanted to have but I had never the chance to own. I cannot state how eager I was to finally spill some paint on such an iconic piece of Ork ordnance.
I have always seen it painted black, as part of Goff warbands. But I knew I wanted something different...
Is it different enough this way?
I should check what is written down there
Buzzer Squigs ready to launch
In the uneven case you are not familiar with Squig Catapults please let me copypaste:
Buzzer Squigs are an insect-like variation of the Squig typically used by Orks in a Squig Katapult,
as they are very vicious and a swarm can strip the flesh off a
man-sized creature within seconds. Buzzer Squigs are found among Ork
fungus groves and are trapped in pots by Gretchin.
The special pots are made from sun-baked mud, drilled with tiny holes
to allow the Squigs inside to breathe. The top of the vessel is corked
shut and sealed with more mud once a good number of Squigs has been put
Normally the Squigs feed by burrowing into other, larger Squigs
or small animals such as rats, so when they are captured they soon begin
to get very hungry. They can be kept without food in the pot for many
solar weeks, getting angrier and more savage all the time.
Gretchin can tell which pots contain the angriest Squigs from the
high pitch of the droning and the vibrations of the pot as the Squigs
try to burrow out (the walls of the pot must be made thick and hard).
These pots, each containing a small swarm of enraged Buzzer Squigs, are
the missiles fired by the Squig Katapult. The pot cracks open on impact,
releasing the swarm of enraged Buzzer Squigs, who attack anyone nearby.
Pure orkiness. I love it. In fact this description gave me a silly idea of what to do with the Gretchin crew for the Katapult. You know, you need two of them. I made quite an ordinary conversion for the first one:
I've been wanting to use that wrench for ages
But I took another path for the other Gretchin, as I wanted something more specific, a Buzzer Squig keeper, the guy who loads the Katapult.
Well, of course I got inspiration from a beekeper. The thing is that I tried to do the hat...
...and now he looks more like a catholic cardinal than a beekeper D:
As I was doing the Gretchin crew, I thought I could also paint an Ork Runtherd, so there was someone in charge of all these buggers!
The arm is from the Kopta pilot, I guess?
So this is how they look when painted:
I added a thin net to the hat!
Watcha mean you not happy? [whip] Carry da squigs, you lil grot!
This is the whole set!
If you throw living creatures at your enemy, does it count as biological warfare?
I have some more artillery pieces, but I really wanted to paint this one first. Enjoyable tiny project, and I recovered the pleasure of doing silly, small conversions.
I don't know what I'll be doing next. Moar Orks? Likely, but who can be sure? I'll keep on updating you!