After quite some time and endless delays, I finally got to play Infinity! Wohoo!
We used the minis I painted for my friend, who generously offered to learn the rules -something I was terrified about!
I guess there's no point in making a full review of the game and the rules by now, but I'm happy to share a few brief impressions from a newcomer :)
First of all, we played the Code:One stuff, form the Operation Kaldstrom box. I had been told that the rules here were slightly lighter than previous versions of the game, so I came a little bit encouraged. We played the introductory game, just to get acquainted with the basic rules.
We used my old frosty mat instead of the one provided with the Kaldstrom box
The first introductory game uses three minis per side, and is just an easy going pew-pew thing to get familiar with how things work in here. So perfect for me!
There are some other three people out there somewhere...
The objective here is just to get the enemy killed and keep the own troops alive by the end of the third round. So my first endeavour was to get familiar with activations, how orders work, and specially reactions. This system is new to me, and I have to say I find it quite appealing, as it makes each round really cinematic, with tons of things happening at the same time, and forcing you to cautiously plan each movement you want to play, as an unadverted enemy can really turn the tables if they catch you on the open!
On my first round, my fusiliers simply moved forward, taking care of lines of sight
When I moved, an enemy Zanshi saw one of my troopers, and shot at her:
The enemy is that blurry thing on the corner of the building!
I chose to dodge the enemy fire and, being sucessful, managed to get cover next to the building.
The Zanshi moved to open ground...
...and got one of my fusiliers killed with a skillful shot!!
Well, that was an incredibly against the probabilities shot! Of course that put me in a tight situation, having lost a third of my force without having really made any shot against the enemy! However, a thing about this game is that you can never surrender and must really give a try to your options.
The fusilier moved upstairs and killed the Zanshi as he tried to reach cover again
Once on the top of the floor he received enemy fire, but cover served him well
He shot back and killed the enemy Zanshi (behind that short wall in the background!!)
Getting the high ground doesn't really have an impact on the game, but in psychological terms I felt things were making much sense :P
It was the third (and last) round and the blurry Zanshi in the background shot the fusilier
With this sucessful kill, both sides had two casualties and one survivor
End of the game! Draw!
I could say it was a little bit dense for a simple tutorial game with just three minis per side, but it was just me getting used to reactions and modifiers. To be honest, once you are into the game, things so smoother.
Let's see a second game, this time with a command unit on each side. This time we'll see how Lieutenants work game wise.
Lateral view will provide a better and more neutral comprehension of what's happening
OK, let's go. We have three infantry troopers per side plus a Lieutenant each one. The Lieutenants have their own special orders, so they can essentially do more (and better) stuff than regular troopers.
Yu Jing troops move forward, no encounter during the first round
But oh, the Orc moves upstairs and things change in a second
We considered that there was line of fire, but the Orc Lieutenant is under cover, while the Zanshi and the Jujak Lieutenant below aren't. I'm not sure if we acted according to the rules, but we didn't find that specific situation (I take for granted it is in the rulebook, we simply weren't able to find it and decided to move on). For us it made sense that the one holding the upper floor had better view and cover, getting the poor guys on the ground pinned down.
The use of additional ordinary orders on the Orc Lieutenant ended in him killing the Jujak Lieutenant:
The poor guy hadn't even had the chance to do anything!
The Lieutenant shot the Zanshi on the ground, who reacted and shot back, inflicting one wound
The other Zanshi climbed up...
...and killed the enemy Lieutenant, who flipped over the wall to the ground (in the better 80's tv show style)
So this is the general situation now
A fusilier advances
And the Zanshi climbs up the wall to the upper floor. Surprise, húndàn! |
Quite a symmetrical situation!
The Zanshi kills the Fusilier
And moves next to the wall
Where she gets killed by the Fusilier on the ground
This bold firefight ends without casualties
And again! A new draw!!
Both sides had a Lieutenant and a trooper down, and two surviving troopers at the end of the third round. As short as it was, it had been another intense battle!
this point we discussed some stuff; for example, it looked like there
was little incentive to expose self troops, or the benefits of dodging
vs reacting opening fire. I guess these things don't unfold so well in
such a limited scenario with just three of four models per side. Besides, these scenarios being just focused on killing each other are not as interesting as any other in which you have to get objectives and that kind of stuff.
So my very brief conclusions from a newbie to anyone who hasn't played Infinity yet: The game is cool. Even more; the game is awesome. It's really cinematic, you get to feel that there's a lot of stuff happening at the same time, which makes the rythm of the action quite quick. You are into an action movie. I wouldn't necessarily say a Michael Bay movie, but at least one in which you get the impression of things going on. I don't see this like a typical WH40K game of long-ranged weapons crossfire and little or no movement. Infinity is quite the opposite, enormously tactical, a game in which you have to seriously consider your movements and the line of sight, and where you don't get to roll hundreds of dice each turn.
The curve of learning can be harsh for a newcomer, but by no means it's a difficult game neither you should feel disencouraged for that perspective. The basics are easy to grasp, the more challenging maybe the mere concept that your opponent can actually do stuff (relevant stuff!) during your turn. I still haven't faced complex special rules nor exceptions, but I don't believe they can be a no-go at all.
Whenever I get a true game of this you'll be the first to know!