
Definitely not modern Adeptus Titanicus

 I had to conduct some serious archaeology works to find the last time I posted anything about Epic and something specific about Titans. That was 2015. Wow.

Long story short, I had some Titans and, though I planned to add more stuff, it never got it done. I bought a couple of things, gave a Titan away... you know, life.

But given that the other day one of the Titans had a struggle with gravity (which he definitely, yet not unsurprisingly, lost), I decided to call it a happy accident and declared the moment to get my hands dirty again with Titans.

I'm not going to make you look upon 2015 in the blog. Here's what I had:

Three totally unrelated monsters

I decided to keep the blue and bone white pattern, but I think there was a decision I took back in the day which now I strongly regretted, i.e., the black edges. The models, specially the Imperator Titan, need much more contrast and colour. They are calling for some ridiculous, over the top gold. So I refurbished them, added some more white, red chequers and gold. Tons of gold.

Let me introduce you the Miserere Nobis, Imperator Titan and head of the Legio Excubiae.

The same, yet not the same

I need a backdrop!
I think that the little touches here and there make much more a change that I had expected. I was worried about overdoing it, but I think it works this way. You may have to zoom in, but you may notice that I haven't painted all the black edges, as they have inscriptions in High Gothic. I made them back in the day, when my eyes allowed me those things.

Next, the Paeniteat, Lucius Pattern Warlord Titan. I've left it basically the same, but for a couple of tiny details and new decals:
I think I could add some battle banners

The one who closes my original trio is the Fulgur Hastam, Reaver Titan. The only change was highlighting the blues and, well, of course, you'll notice a lot of gold:

I'm noticing the issue with the decal as I post the pic. Ouch

Anyway, this was just an update of my old models. I could say that I more or less finished them, more than really repaint them. But here they are. But now that I was riding the wave, I painted some more stuff I had purchased years ( a lot of years!) ago.

The Credens Bello, Mars Pattern Warlord Titan:
A true relic of the past

This thing hardly has a golden angle

I had to complete the weapons on the carapace with a Space Crusade Dreadnought plasma cannon, as I didn't have more Epic stuff, I hope it works! The banners were kind of mandatory and, even if they aren't specially elaborated, they add gravitas to this behemoth.

Finally, the twins, the Impatiens and the Lupus Belli, both Lucius Pattern Warhound Titans:

I like these two more than I should

Here you can see the Sapphirus Maniple of the Legio Excubiae:

Gloriously incoherent war machines

The mix of Mars and Lucius patterns (I don't even know what pattern the Imperator is) is a little bit strange, but it really doesn't bother me. I can totally picture the Legio being rebuilt and reorganised with Titans from different patterns through the millennia, and the silly mix makes me smile for some reason.

Well, I don't have serious plans of painting more Epic stuff in the short term (though I should, I have tons of tiny warriors in their boxes!), but who knows. Oh, BTW, I also have like hundreds of new Titans from the modern Adeptus Titanicus game, I do have to take serious action about that...


  1. Oh, my! Real oldschool stuff!
    Looking amazing!

    1. Thanks! As oldschool as I could get XD

  2. Excellent work Suber, you've really enhanced your original colour scheme with the subtle changes. My favourite's are the Lucius pattern ones, I converted my whole legion to that style, including a Imperator and Warmonger, a lot of conversion on those ! LOL

    1. Thank you! Oh, man, those conversions are a hell of a work! I have a lot of new Adeptus Titanicus monsters, but I had to finishe these first, or I'd never do them XD

  3. These are nice! I really like the blue. It's interesting how the designs have changed over the years. I think my favourite is the very old Reaver design, which I remember from old White Dwarfs. That's a cool collection you've got.

    1. Thank you! Right, the evolution in the designs is quite a shock. I'm looking forward to the new stuff!

  4. What a blast from the past....Lovely stuff!

    1. Haha, it is! Thank you! I really wanted to repaint these (and paint the others) for quite a long time, so finally it's something out from my to do list :)

  5. Fantastic update of the old models, and a welcome addition of new ones! Great work!

    1. Thanks! I don't think I'll add more to this Legio, but I must confess I still have some bits I could somehow reuse...

  6. Very cool Suber. I really prefer the Lucius pattern titans, it's a shame they didn't go with that for the new AT game.

    1. Thank you! You know, I think I have to agree. The Lucius pattern was a nice update of the original designs, yet keeping the essence of armoured sacred behemoths. It would have been nice if GW produced them for the new game. Well, one can hope, it's never too late...

  7. Están chulos, yo tengo un par de ésos, bueno partes, no enteros, atrocidades que uno hace cuando es joven e inconsciente.

    1. Jaja, bueno, yo tengo piezas de varios Warlord más, tengo que valorar si hago un Banelord con piezas de aquí y allá...

  8. Every 'happy accident' is a modeler's excuse to start a new project ;) :)

    1. Haha, you're so right! It's all about how you channel the events! :D
