
Old School Blood Slaughterer

 We're going full Old School today! Thanks to most gentle Iain from Caveadsum1471 I got to put my hands on this iconic model, a relic from times long gone. I'm talking about the Blood Slaughterer, a Khorne Daemon Engine. Quite a conflictive model, if you know what I mean, but utterly quintessential and representative of a whole era.

Don't you recall the mini? I'll give you a clue:

Do I even have all the pieces? Where does that one go?

I remember it from the old times, and I recall getting confused, as I mismatched it with the Epic Khorne Lord of Battles. Not that they are really similar, but I was convinced back in the day that this was an Engine for Epic. Whatever. This engine has a... complex design. I mean, it could have been designed by Bloody Stupid Johnson from Discworld:

I swear, I'm assembling it right

The balance of the model is problematic, I had some issues while painting it, as it kept on falling over. I even considered converting it somehow, but I knew I really couldn't, I had to pay tribute to the original model, as Khorne would have wanted.

Checking the Blood Slaughterer stats to write this post, I've discovered that I was mistaken, as the two guns next to the head are not bolters, as I thought, but twin-liked heavy bolters, which is quite a thing, specially in Rogue Trader. A little bit un-Khorny, I believe, but there they were!

Behold the mechanical monstrosity!

If you see this coming towards you, just run!

Balance is so overrated

It's even scarier from behind

Reminds me of some kind of 8-bits videogame level boss

This was one of the models that didn't made it into 2nd Edition, so it became a legend lost in the times of Rogue Trader forever. Many years later, Forge World reimagined this Daemon Engine this way:

Swiss Army Knife, Khorne Edition

Oh, sure, it's huge. Bulky. And scary. It's easy to be scary when you look like a giant armoured crab. The hard thing, the real deal, is to be scary when you look like... well, like this:

Aaaaah! Lemme kill'em all!! Blood frenzy killer robot!

Jokes apart, I believe it's really iconic, and a testament to the way things were done back in the day. It was way more interesting to paint than I expected, and I'm happy and grateful that I had the chance to do so. Now that I've liberated an oldschool model's soul from the Pit of Unpainted Shame I in fact feel better!

Blood for the Blood God!


  1. Oh, a real oldschool stuff!
    Beautiful painting!

    1. Thank you! Most Old school thing I've done in a while indeed! :D

  2. That is a real blast from the past Suber, your painting has brought it to life. You're totally right about it's armament not being very Khorne, but those were early days, and you could still have heavy weapon squads with the mark of Khorne, it wasn't until second edition that there was more restrictions.

    1. Right, those were the days, no doubt! I had a nice time with this tiny treasure of old, I think I'm in the mood for some more stuff from that era :)

  3. Great stuff! I always liked the silliness of this figure. It absolutely would be terrifying as it trundled towards you though 😄

    1. Thank you! Haha, I can only imagine being in the way of this beast, a dreadful experience!! XD

  4. This always seemed an odd mini in the range and I didn't think it fitted in. I thought the upgrades for the Epic Warlord titans looked better. But always you have done a great job.

    1. It is weird indeed! Back in the RT days every concept was worth a try! XD

  5. No me sonaba para nada ese carricoche :O pero esas ruedas si, tengo un cañón trikitraka con unas iguales ;)

    1. Jaja, sí, les sacaron partido a las ruedas, desde luego XD El monstruo estge es un pastiche muy serio, a veces cuerta recorda cómo eran las cosas en aquellos tiempos...

  6. Great work on this iconic - if weird and of its time - miniature!

    1. Haha, thanks! Right, it's the quintessence of a time, it reminds us all how long have we gone since then!
