
Project HeroQuest: Fimir

Time to put some paint on my old HeroQuest hordes of baddies! I have started with Fimir warriors. No particular reason for that, they just were the first ones I put my hands on when opening the box again.
Oldschool classical colour scheme!

Of course for the game there are not any distinctions between Fimir castes, no Meargh, Dirach, Fimm warriors... Just the good old HeroQuest Fimir.
The whole family

If I recall it correctly, the original game only provides you four Fimir. Don't remember where the other three came from, maybe an expansion? Can't remember that, but don't think so. This is the kind of things that happen in the entropy vortex that is my hobby room.
Difficult to say when they are winking

For example, I have hordes of Orcs, but I have lost most of my Mercenaries and Ogres from the expansions.
Once I have all my classical minis painted, I may begin to think about improving the ranges with different and more dinamic metal minis. But there is still a lot of work to do before!

As a matter of fact, next week I'll begin to show you some Orcs...


  1. These are unique looking creatures ... sort of a cross between apes and aliens.

    1. Hehe, quite a weird concept, but they are quite characterful. There are a few awesome Fimir sculpts over the internet worth a look, I may get some in the future.

  2. Son muy molones. Dan ganas de hacerse un ejército!

    1. ¡Gracias! A pesar (o precisamente a causa) de su esculpido, son unas minis muy carismáticas. No serán los últimos Fimir que salgan por aquí ;)

  3. it's a shame GW has almost written them out of their games history, I feel like the Chaos Dwarfs and Hob Goblins, they are an oft overlooked race.

    1. Can't but agree, mate. Lots of things could have been made out of them :(
