
Big Fish

Ok, let's put an end to wave 1 of Troll Outpost's Oldhammer fauna releases :D

The only minis I had left were two Piscean Warriors. I really was betting that everyone would paint their Pisceans in grey or any dark colour, resembling eels, but I did want a totally different aspect. Fortunately, Axiom from Magpie and Old Lead proved me wrong and painted his own in an outstanding both natural and alien style. I was also aiming for a colourful style, but... my own way.
A fish walking down the street
The pics are horrible. You have to look really close to see there are black stripes and that there is actually a shadow and highlights work there. Sigh...
I feel like a fish out of water
Also if you look close (or at least take my word), the backpack has some pink-ish colour trying to mimic some kind of pearl surface, in order to connect the sea theme all in a pack. Ok, ok, I tried...
You think I walk funny? I walk better than you swim, furry mammal!

I guess you might have not caught the visual reference for this guy. Ehm... I hope this one leaves no doubt about that...
Nemo? No, I'm not related to Captain Nemo, don't know what you mean

In order to give a slight variety, I replaced the gun with a bolter. Quick and easy. Also tried the same pearl-ish effect on the backpack and used the same colour for the boots/gloves in order to give a group idea.
I've been looking for my kindred so long I have even evolved to an amphibian

So I have these two guys ready to see some action wherever there is enough water for them to feel comfortable!
...Are...Are you my conscience?
I'm in utter need for some more different Pisceans to add some variety! The possibilities are endless!


  1. Very nice amigo !!
    This two guys topgether on the last pic look sooo cool! Add some water scenography surrounded by some alien jungle plants and they will crack the game! :)

    1. ¡Gracias! I guess this wasn't what you had in mind when you sculpted the mini, but anyway, RT was entirely under the 'tribute' philosophy looking for pop culture references, so I couldn't avoid this :D
      Please sculpt some more variety and I will muster the whole dentist's aquarium! :D

  2. Fantásticos! Realmente quedan bien los colores de nemo...

    1. ¡Gracias! Es un poco ida de pinza, pero me parecía muy gracioso :D

  3. I really like your take on these guys, they both look so unique.

    Enjoyed your pun work too, very subtle :)


    1. Thanks! That was my purpose, making them both hilarious and distinctive, I thought it would be fun :)

  4. Oh my goodness ... Neeeemooooo! Right? Right? :)

    1. Hahaha, temptation was too much to resist! :D
      I'd love to make the rest of the guys! :D:D

  5. I had a feeling that someone would go for the clownfish look with one of these. It looks cool Suber. Orange and white is a good colour combination for si-fi generally, so it works in a couple of ways.

    1. Well, I guess it was too tempting to let the chance go :)
      I just hope I don't get too sick and begin to paint Little Mermaid inspired minis too :D (hmm, I recall there was a crab man over there on the internet...) :D

  6. Superb, I love your palette, great work :)
