
Muties! (Pt. 9, end of project) And OSW anniversary!

Two in one :)
First things first, let's talk about minis, which is what brought you here. The last step in my 'not Goblins but mutants instead' project was the mini of the alleged Great Goblin.

Sorry. There's nothing 'Great' about this concept for a Goblin. In fact, there's no Goblin at all in this pic
I left this one for the end as I was trying to make something slightly different than the other muties, but still in the same fashion. The mini itself is quite good and imposing, I just had to take the most of it. I thought I had two choices: either having a brute carrying a heavy weapon of some kind or making the boss this band was lacking. I suddenly understood the kind of mini I was meant to do.

They were needing this. In case you are too young, please google 'Master Blaster'
I discarded some ideas, like a gladiatorial-like helmet or even having the Master sat on Blaster's neck. Nothing too blatant, a gas mask would fit in the theme but still giving a different look.

Down, down, down, to Goblin Barter Town
I hadn't used the little Goblin scribe on top of that weird catapult-like device. The trunk of that... thing would give a nasty look to this bloke:

Just for the sake of using the piece
That in fact gave me the idea for the rest of the path to follow. The tiny scribe was going to be the real ruler of this mutant mob. But, as just said, I wasn't going to simply put him on the big fella, that would have been predictable.

I'm many things but predictable
Now I miss one of those roll makers to provide some greenstuff wiring here. Anyway, being myself a resourceful junker, I found that I could use simple thread as well and that, in fact, it looked good.

Messy, ugly, chaotic... looked good
That was it. Let's see how this big fat mess looks painted. Black priming and the same skin recipe used for his little cousins.

Don't go f%&king messing with the tiny midget

According to my numbers, you owe me money. Bad thing, hmmm

Now that I see the bare back, I think I should have added some more augmetics and stuff

Anyway, I think it works on the whole

So with this I can declare the tribe of horrors finished! Ain't they pretty?

Peter Jackson didn't see this coming
Well, given that I put the Dwarves to good use back in the day and I've also used the not-Goblins, I can say that getting that box was a good idea :D. I still have all the scenery untouched, but I hope I can find some use for that too... For the moment I just rejoice in the mutant clan.
Ahhh, there's something good about closing a project... That sense of easiness that mainly means... you can focus on the next thing on your list! :P

That brings me to the other subject I wanted to talk about. Today it's Old School Workshop's 4th anniversary!! Weee! Another whole year of posting has been fulfilled. Woah. Four years since I first started posting. 351.528 hits is a number I really need some time to assimilate. Don't know how many of those are bots, but I don't care, at least they are tasteful bots; until the day Skynet becoming self-aware arrives, you are welcome too. Wouldn't like anyone throwing speciesism charges on this blog solely for that.
US, Spain, UK, France and Germany keep on coping the top 5 visitors and, as of today, 178 Oldscholars are enlisted for this adventure. I've always stated that I don't blog for numbers, but of course having a look at those is enormously encouraging. Thank you all, people. All those who spend a minute having a look at my latest stupid project; special thanks to all who bother to comment, but those who simply stop by too. Appreciated.
Now for the fifth year! Lots more of silliness ahead. Thanks for being there sharing this with me!


  1. Wow, that's a fantastic piece, Suber. Lovely conversion work too!

    1. Thank you! I tried to figure out anything that looked interesting and different. In fact that was the main theme for the band itself, hehe. I hope to have achieved something in that mood!

  2. He's brilliant! What a great piece of work they are. They'l be great in a game. Well done.

    1. Thanks! I'm thinking of different ways of involving them in scenarios. Definitely something has to be done...

  3. That is inspired.

    LOVE those!

    That is a really effective use of greenstuff

    1. Thanks! The thing here is building a grotesque circus while not getting too over the top. Or at least not Peter Jackson over the top. Which is a problem, you know, as the minis are directly based on his creations. Ahh, balance is difficult!

  4. Wonderful force you've built and it's unlike any other out there. Massive Kudos.
    Congrats for 4 years of awesome blogging really !

    1. Thanks, man! The point here was having a quite different warband. Not sure what profile could I use for them in 40K terms, Gretchins maybe? I still have to give it a thought...
      Thank you! I'll make my best to keep on the same way for year five! :D

  5. You've knocked it out of the park with that one Suber! Fantastic concept and really well executed. The entire force looks quite intimidating en masse too. And congrats on four years of blogging. Well done! Hope there are many more!

    1. Thank you very much! I must say that the warband has expanded in a way I did not foresee! The beasts, the vehicle, even the Master Blaster. But it's been an enormous joy, I really had fun converting all of them and building the band :)

  6. What a wonderful conversion, the big guy just oozes character and I simply adore the little details you put on him. I'm not sure you should have added more augmentations, it could make him look too crowded.
    This reminds me a lot of the GW glory days.

    1. Thank you! I tend to think that less is usually more, but it's hard to see when you're working on such a bulk. Glad you like it!

  7. Muy bien realizada la transformacion, en efecto el concepto es novedoso aunque se pueda decir que sigue siendo el tipico monstruo controlado por un enano, pero este sera siempre mucho mas caracteristico dentro de dicha "categoria"

    1. ¡Gracias! Sí, claro, no invento nada nuevo, la imagen del Maestro Golpeador está grabada en el imaginario colectivo, esto no es más que un giro de tuerca, otro de mis desvaríos, jeje

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks! Quite enjoyable piece, hehe

  9. You should feel very proud of your gang Suber. What a great eclectic collection of minis you've made!

    Your GS abilities are nothing short of amazing. The ammo pouches, knee pads etcetera...bravo!

    Your very right about closing the project emotion too. I have that feeling very seldom unfortunately :P

    Congrats on the four years mark too. Looking forward to the next four :)

    1. Thank you, man. I need to develop proper scenarios for them, time to see them on a board. Now for new projects!
      Hehe, the next four years start just one day after another, and no one knows where will they take me... :D To the infinite and beyond!

  10. What a great creative execution of the "bruiser with pet" concept.
    I am totally blown away by your conversion.

    1. Wow, thank you! Once you begin to develop the thing and to add stuff... well, you know, one thing leads to another and somehow you end up with a deformed giant with a deformed midget hanging from an old tree. Weird.

  11. Happy Anniversary Suber & Old School Workshop.

    That goblin hulk and his wee friend are mind-blowingly good. There's such composition and complexity in that conversion... it's a real work of art. All my hats are off to you, Suber.

    1. Thank you, Matthew!
      Thanks for your kind words too, but I just try to make any interesting composition I can come with. The whole process has been enormously fun, now I have to look for another project I can relate to in the same way, hehehe

  12. Suber, that's an AWESOME job! you have fantastic sculpting skills. I have tried sculpting with green putty myself but I absolutely suck at it. :( As you will soon see in my future posts, I tried to sculpt Katana's mask and Harley Quinn's baseball bat to terrible results. XD

    1. Thank you! I still have to learn a lot. It's a challenge I have told to myself hundreds of times I need to endure, but I scatter myself through too many projects.
      Looking forward to seeing your work!

  13. Brilliant job mate - great finish to one of my favourite projects ever! Perfect way to celebrate your 4th birthday :-)

    1. Thank you! The big guy has been a satisfactory experience, far from my regular stuff, even for this project. More silly stuff needs to be done for next year! :D

  14. Increíble, Suber. Creo que es lo mejor que has hecho.

    ¡Y enhorabuena por los 4 años!

    1. ¡Muchas gracias! Ha sido muy divertido, y además he aprendido durante el proceso a salirme de lo típico o lo que cabe esperar en un concepto clásico. ¡Necesito hacer más cosas de este tipo!

  15. Superb build! Just awesome! /Hans

    1. Thank you! It's less RT-ish than I originally pretended, but it fits in the band, so I'm happy with it :) Glad you like it!

  16. Great work on that conversion! The little scribe is perfect as a boss for the muties.

    As for the lack of augmentics or similar for the big guy's back, what about a little tattoo or similar to occupy the space without changing it up too much?

    1. Hmmm, a tatoo! Thats right! Hey, that's a clever solution, it 'fills' the blank there but doesn't overload the mini. Thank you, I'll go make some designs!

  17. I love this figure. It was really unexpected, and it's a hugely successful conversion. It draws on the references brilliantly, whilst also fitting in seamlessly with the rest of the force. Excellent!

    1. Thank you! The whole Master Blaster stuff blended properly in the theme, and the raw materials provided me almost all I needed. The rest was just a matter of letting it flow! :P

  18. joder, me encanta el grandullon!
    tiene una personalidad tremenda. Enhorabuena!! :D

    1. ¡Muchas gracias! Es una de esas cosas donde te la juegas todo a una carta y hasta que no lo ves, no sabes cómo va a resultar la cosa. ¡Me alegra que te guste!

  19. Not sure how I missed this project! But glad I checked in. These are a amazing. That conversion is ace, and the whole gang if so diffrent and perfect! Awesome stuff. Happy Blogoversiray. ;)

    1. Thank you! The tiny buggers were enormously fun to do, I've enjoyed pretty much the whole project. I have a couple of scenarios in mind for them, but then I need more stuff to run then properly (as always...) :D

  20. Nice collection! I've linked your work in my article: Dompaku

    1. Thank you! Very kind of you. I still have to really delve into your work, but it looks pretty interesting! Thanks!
