
Ork Gargant. Da armz

 I may be late for Orktober, but I haven't been idle!

I have finished the arms of the beast (hooray!), and that's quite a milestone in the project. Let's see what we have here:

Ork Gargant arm. Human hand shown for scale purposes only

The other side looks quite similar

I have to look for it, but I know the glyphs really say something, they are not random

Finally, a 3/4 top view. The thing is insanely full of details

You can see I just took the same path I took with the body, obviously. Yellow primer spray and several layers of Iyanden Yellow Contrast. The rest is just regular brushwork. It's deceivingly time-consuming, but it's most definitely an enjoyable work.

Let's go for the other arm:

The same random human hand is shown for scale

I didn't notice I painted a Black Widow glyph until it was late

Moar glyphs'n'stuff!

Really trying to say something

I'm sticking to the Moon theme, as it's a Bad Moon Clan Gargant

Yup, that's a Dreamworkz logo. A moon and an Ork with an axe :D

But... how do the arms look when mounted on the body?

Dun dun dun...

DA GARGANT (Orks on da shoulda for scale)

Side view

Other side view

I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out so far, but remember, it's not finished yet!!

I still have the banner and the box left!

Whatever the case, the Gargant itself is finished, and I'm enjoying every step. I suspect that the box will be quite a challenge, but that's a problem for the future me. For now I can go full 'Whiiiir' 'Whomp' 'Dakka dakka' 'Blast' 'Die, you hummie!'

Moar stuff comin' zoon!


  1. Que bestialidad! es una pieza espectacular tanto en su composición como en el pintado, da para hacer un escenario especial alrededor de este gigante. Enhorabuena!

    1. ¡Gracias! Tienes razón, esto pide escenarios a medida, habrá que hacer algo... :D

  2. Madre del amor hermoso, es una verdadera locura de..., ¿proyecto?, ¿obra?, ¿máquina?..., en serio, no sé cómo calificarlo. Sólo sé, que al verlo, me dan ganas de gritar Waaaaaggghhhh y salir a arrasar planetas.

    Es increíble la constancia y capacidad de trabajo que has demostrado tener, para sacar adelante este Megagargante. Me pongo en pie y antes de aplaudir, compruebo con desaliento, que ese mamatrero, mide lo que yo de pie.

    Enhorabuena por el trabajo.

    1. ¡Jajaja, gracias! El bicho es gigantesco, la verdad es que la logística de guardarlo es todo un tema. Pero lo estoy disfrutando como un enano :D

  3. By my time you hot Orktober, so I say it counts. What an awesome model he’s become! I love all the detail work you’ve put into it. Just an absolutely great project to follow! Thanks for all the inspiration. If your orks need some help maybe they can contract my mercs. 😁

    1. Thank you! All da Orks shuld fight togetha!

  4. Dios si es del tamaño de una aspiradora grande :O y que chulo que es.

    1. Sólo lamento no tener una Roomba para ponerlo encima :D

    2. la pides para navidad y solucionas un regalo...... ;) aunque como te descubra te puedes jugar unos días en el sofá :D

    3. Sí, no sé si compensa XD

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks! It's quite a monster, but I finally think the project is feasible!

  6. Absolutely Stunning, love the Dreamworks logo reminds me on how different it was depending on which video game you were playing or movie watched.

    1. Haha, thanks! It was one of those silly ideas that come to mind out of nowhere, it's fun and absurd, so it totally fits! :D

  7. Awesome work Suber, and must be great to have the Gargant finished, it looks amazing

    1. Thank you! I still have to finish the banner, and now that I truly have to think about the box I believe I'm even more scared than with the Gargant itself!

  8. Truly EPIC! O_O

    Btw, what widget did you use for "Go see these blogs"?
    Gave a try to sth similar but miniature pictures never appeared 😔

    1. Thank you! I use the generic Blogger tool. It allows me to select different features of what info I want to show regarding the blogs (only title, a few lines of the latest publication... and the little pics; I think it's called 'miniature'). If it doesn't work give me an email address and I'll drop you a line :)

  9. This is fantastic! It's come out brilliantly and looks just like the old Epic models. I particularly like the yellow. Good work!

    1. Thank you! I'm trying to get that vibe of old, just an oversized Epic model :P
      I was terrified about yellow, but the Contrast trick worked much better than I could have imagined, specially for such huge surfaces, so I'm really happy with the monster :D

  10. What a monster! A fantastic project! I like the Ork take on the DreamWorks moon on one of the arms and how rich the yellow turned out.

    1. Thank you! It was silly and absurd... so it had to be done! Modern Ork iconography would have been a little bit out of place, with all those sharp angles and crude aspect, but this kind of stupid things is almost mandatory!

  11. Wow! Those arms are great, and the project is even more amazing than I expected!

    1. Thanks! I suspect that the big box will be an issue and will take some work, but it's all looking good enough for me, so there will be no rest until it's all finished!

  12. Someday Suber,
    You and I have got to have a massive scrap!
    She's a beautiful construction.

    1. Haha, that would be epic indeed :D

  13. Fantabulatastical! This is so wonderful it needs a new word! Megalicious! Two! Two new words! Fantastic work, Suber. As always. Also: I believe the right arm says "Megachoppa Bruztal." I'll work out the left arm shortly and get back to you. Because reasons.

    1. Okay, da left un: I think it says "Da Winchesta Cuznnon." More or less. Waaargh the Orks gives the windmill glyph as "Uz," which seems a bit odd, but there you have it. (There are different U and A glyphs, and orks do use a lot of "uz.") Anyway, magnificent!

    2. Oh, hahaha, you are my hero! Thank you for the nice words as well as for the translating! :D

  14. Simply magnificent! It's a truly awesome achievement, you just need a really large table!
    Best Iain

    1. Haha, thanks! I don't think I have such a table! It will be easier to move the scenery around to represent the Gargant moving :D

    2. You know, this might work! There's a WWII convoy game where the ships in the convoy don't move at all, but the damaged ships move backwards. Gargantuar Buzkutt stands still, but the bunker and hills moved backwards? Either that or you just break out some floorhammer and the players pretend we're just as young as we were in the 80s.

    3. Haha, you are giving me but bad ideas! Or are they good ideas? Hmmm...

  15. I really like that you take the time, on such a large model, to slow down and sweat the small details like glyphs. This is looking magnificent.

    1. Thanks! I firmly believe that details are what give value to such scale models. Large flat surfaces would make the Gargant look dull, it really needs to be crowded. It makes it work visually both on large and short distances, and that's the key to me. CAn't wait to finish it!

  16. Por el amor de Dios, ponle una peana, si no se ve inacabada!!!

    😏...te sugiero usar de peana una Rumba, poner todo el suelo de marines y encenderla 🤣


    Si hubiera visto tus movidas a los 12 años cuando empecé hubieras sido mi ídolo.

    Zangre pal dioz de... Por Morko, que eztaba gritando? Siéntete orgulloso, está es la típica m*erda que hubiera salido en una white dwarf dejando a propios y extraños ojipláticos.

    1. Jajaja, yo lo veo, lo veo XD
      Es un locurón de proyecto, pero es un descojone, eso seguro :D

  17. Whoa Suber! This is stupendous stuff. Loving this project!!!

    1. Thank you! I can finally see (or imagine) the light at the end of the tunnel!

  18. This thing is simply insane. Even in Ork standards.

    1. It is, isn't it? It's posing quite an storage issue, but I do love it!
