It's been a while since I don't build anything silly! About time!
Spoiler! WIP ahead
If you take the look back, when I built the mining suit with an Ambot I said I had another spare pair of legs. I had to do something with them! The first thing that came to mind was, of course, a walker. You may remember my Don Quirixote of Manchae Prime (Pt. 1 and Pt. 2) and his loyal Sancho Panzer. Oh, and the second version I made for a pal of both Quixote and Sancho.
So well, what could I use this time?
Well, the ever reliable Kinder egg, what else?
This is all I had. That's my starting point
I didn't want another horse-like walker. I thought I could explore other shapes. I found this seat and thought I could use it
From a Space Marine Attack Bike, if I'm not mistaken
So there it is!
I started to glue random bits wherever
Though I considered the option of placing the seat at the front of the thing, the idea of placing it at a side looked more interesting to me.
Possibly not comfortable
I needed a rider and I toyed with the idea of sculpting it from scratch, but then I found a Sentinel pilot and said 'hey, I'm too lazy for this shit, I'll just use this guy'.
I greenstuffed the belly to make him fat. But I wanted something else, something distinctive, something that made him different. And then I came with the idea of a mug.
Could be a pint of beer, but the coffee mug made more sense to me
It's but a brush cap, which I cut hoping it could look in place. I wanted him to look like on a dull, boring routine, drinking his bland recaf drink with his scarf up to his ears.
This was the final disposition of the walker then:
Ready to paint!
That's a mere piece of gauze
My main choices of colour this time were white or orange. Maybe red would have worked too, but I opted for white in the end.
So white priming all over
I forgot to say, of course I added tubes and wires!!
I used my usual recipe. Flat brown wash to dirt it all...
(Remember, paintings and marks need to be done before!)
I should have painted metals and black before, and then dirtied with brown
But it was working, so I kept on
Second layer of weathering using darker brown, and finally very dark brown with a sponge
I also forgot to mention that jerry can! It's hanging with thread :D
So here you have the final result. I painted a silly 'Ego -love- Terra' on the mug. It was simple enough; had I tried anything more complex I would have ruined it. Less is more. Of course it's bad Latin and inaccurate grammar, but makes the pun recognizable, so it's staying :P
He looks cold and miserable. A hot beverage is the only thing he has in life
Damn, it's so ugly it hurts. That screams Rogue Trader to me!
Stumbling through the wastelands since M.35
Oh, you hadn't seen my sexy rear parts
A final shot, alongside his fellow walkers, so you have a size comparison:
This one looks dirtier then the previous ones!
Well, it looks like I finally put those legs to an use at last! Hmmm, what else can I build now...?