
Guards! Guards!

 In case you are wondering, I'm not talking about the Discworld book.

Today it's all about these loyal fellas

I got a second hand RTB07 Imperial Guard box a lot of years ago (I mean a lot!), and it was about time to finally get them painted!

I once had an Imperial Guard army (a tiny example here), but sold it quite a long time ago. If I was to start it over again I wanted to go in a different direction, so no desert camo pattern whatsoever. I truly felt I had to go full Rogue Trader with them.

So grey it is!

You all know this pic, but just let me bring it back for reference:

Basic idea, but I'm taking some licences

I have the impression that the sculpt is meant to depict a jumpsuit with shoulder and breastplates more than a vest over the fatigues, but honestly, the black vest idea looks much more better, so I'm sticking up to it.

Basic colours

Agrax all over

Getting to somewhere

The highlights are too much, I know. I expected this Vallejo grey to look a little darker when dry, but in the end I worked with it. I only provided two highlight layers instead of my usual three, but I hope it's enough.

At this point I have to say that I was painting three 10-men Squads, but I had no Command Squad at all. I had a look at eBay looking for the old banner bearer (oh, how I do regret letting that mini go!) and some other minis of the like, but the prices were simply absurd. But the box provides 36 Guards (quite an odd number!) so I had six spare Guards...

Just need four to build the Command Squad

Medic, special weapon, comms and banner

Oh, well, you are right. It would have been a fantastic idea to plan this in advance and paint these alongside their other damn thirty colleagues. That would have avoided repeating the whole process for just simply four minis. Well, apparently I'm not such a good planner, what can I say.

On the other side, I'm quite proficient at paying attention to absurd, ridiculous details nobody cares about. For example, military insignia, ranks, badges and how to convincingly apply them to my models. Let's talk about the circle badges on the breastplate, for example. I'm most definitely not using the colour code in the illustration above. I had come to a solution years ago for my first Imperial Guard army, so I am following it again, of course. Vertically split badge, using two camo colours, identifying the Platoon and Squad numbers:

2nd Platoon, 1st Squad

That still leaves me the issue of the Company badge. I first thought of the shoulderplate (as in the illustration), and even got some decals to give it a try. But I didn't see it. With this black and grey pattern, such a white number/icon/whatever would draw too much attention.

Didn't really want a white number stand out that way on them

So I came with a more military-looking solution. I simply painted a black badge on the shoulder pocket with the Company number on it.

Now that I think of it, I should have done the same on the other arm with the Regimental number. Hmm...

For the same reason I painted the rank on the shoulder in grey. My first instinct was to do it in yellow, but it was way too visible.

Only for Cpl and Sarge. Should do the same for Pvt, I guess... Hmm...

Anyway, if there was a place to add some colour, it was the banner. This Squad is the Company Command, so the banner shouldn't be too flamboyant, after all it's not the Regimental Banner. I drew inspiration from my previous work on my old Guard banner (the one in the link I provided above, here you have it again just in case), but kept it way more simple, I thought it was better this way.

Less is more
 So now I have a Company Command Squad and three riflemen Squads. Quite a Codex compliant basic force. OK, the OCD in me drives me to an uneasy conclusion. I have a Company Command and a three squads Platoon. But I do not have a Platoon Command Squad. You too see the gap in here, I hope!! Well, that will be a problem for the future me. For now here you have the three riflemen Squads...

2nd Platoon, 1st Squad

2nd Platoon, 2nd Squad

2nd Platoon, 3rd Squad
 ...and the Command Squad:

Oh, BTW, I tried the classic skull on the badge

 I have added this Captain and a Commissar so this Command Squad has proper... well, command.

The Commissar doesn't need to be embedded in here, but anyway
 If I was to build up an army (which I'm not!) I would require a Command Squad per Platoon, as said, and kind of at least three Platoons, as well as heavy weapons and logistics. That would sum up an Infantry Company, which is what I had back in the day, but I'm not going back there. Honestly, if you are playing a 120+ miniatures army, you don't want to play WK40K, you want to play Epic.

That will come too. But not today.


For now, here you have the whole batch!

It had been a long time since I hadn't done this kind of mass painting

I know, I know, I have to provide a backdrop!
 This will be it for today, but I can tell you these chaps are going to see some action pretty soon! They're already singing this classic:

Another day nearer the battle

So drink up my lads and look brave,

'Cos everyday nearer the battle

Is another day nearer the grave.


  1. Ace job on the Guard. Like you I did have an Imperial Guard army back in the day based on a couple of these plastic box sets. I really liked the penal troopers and Commissar squad which was from a White Dwarf supplement. The old army list had an interesting array of special units but a really expensive minimum requirement. So what's next for this army?

    1. Thank you! I'm not sure of what else will I add, but they'll see a board pretty soon just as they are! ;)

  2. Now this post is ticking all the boxes in the nostalgias for sure!

    I too had an old guard force, though a smaller one that allied with my Squats as I really wasn't about to try to collect (Or pay for) a horde of little men. These were and are my all time fav Guard sculpts, uniforms and all. I too regret to this day selling off all the command metal sculpts that I used to have cos I'd love to have them now.

    LOVE that you went with the classic Arcadia scheme too though (Perfectly painted for a mass-paint effort btw. I think heavy highlights help make the whole mass-painting process faster and far more palatable for it.), and here's why:

    You might recall in a previous post (The one where you made a GSC garbage truck) I mentioned that I too have a GSC project? WELL... (Three "...'s" for dramatic emphasis.) I also have these very same RT plastic guard for my Brood Brothers squads! Now my GSC being Chaos aligned and inspired by the Compilation studio schemes will be in the classic purple&sand scheme. But man I was tempted to set that aside and go classic Arcadia like you've done.

    One of my fav posts of your's mate. Really enjoyed reading and poring over your pics.

    1. Thank you! Oh, man, it seems we are both sides of the mirror! I do need to see those Brood Brothers!! :D

  3. Awesome stuff matey. They look great. I also enjoyed going back to have a look your old desert themed army. All very nice!

    1. Thank you very much! I enjoyed going back to the old, reliable guard!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! There's no such thing as 'too much RT'! :D

  5. Fantastic old school guard Suber, all your changes with colours and markings make perfect sense, and very tactical. The old guard looked great done well, and these are even better, than what Eavy Metal showed back in the day.

    1. Thank you very much! I was really looking forward to painting these for quite a long time, I have to say it's been quite a therapeutical experience! :D

  6. Are you shaming me for only getting half way through the book? (I'm just not good at focusing on reading anymore) Awesome work Suber! I like that you reigned yourself in; yet still produced this fantastic force. I keep stalling on projects because I'm adding too much to my minis.

    1. Haha, thank you! I know what you mean, once you begin to add stuff and stuff to the minis it's quite hard to stop, isn't it?

  7. That was the first thing that came to mind ... Terry Pratchett's book that is :) Anyway excellent work on show here Suber :)

    1. Haha, then you are a man of good taste!! :D

  8. These look really good. I've not seen these models for ages and I'd forgotten how good the models are. The colour scheme works really well. Good stuff!

    1. Thanks! It happened the same to me, I had forgotten these sculpts, and it's been a pleasure to revisit them!

  9. Te han quedado geniales, yo solo tengo tres, el portaestandarte y otros dos más, ya los tengo preparados para mi escuadra de mando, el comisario fue vendido en españa en venta directa por la white dwarf como un comandante de una ciudad colmena, y como tengo varios comisarios y no me hacía falta lo pinté como comandante. Ya me gustaría hacerme con minis de la época de rogue trader pero como dices están a precios abusivos :(

    1. Yo éstas las compré hace muchísimos años por lo que entonces era un precio razonable y hoy sería una ganga. Estuve mirando precios por ver so compraba minis de metal para la escuadra de mando y era de locos D:

  10. Good job. I haven't painted an old Rogue Trader guardsmen in a long time, never a plastic one. I think I might have some metal guardsmen from that era still in a blister. I really don't buy many models, because I paint so slow and I think I must get back to painting, while there is still daylight. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks! They are more interesting minis than one could say at first sight, I've really enjoyed them. I totally encourage you to go back to those metal guards, you will hardly regret it :)

  11. Lovely post, I have of course got a box of these half built and I did have some commissars or did I send them to you? Wonderful work reviving these Rogue Trader figures!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you! Oh, you sent me the Commissars, they are fully enlisted now! I'm ejoying these RT minis more than I could think, they are a real pleasure :)

  12. Muy grande. Yo también estoy pintando estos guardias..... Pero del culto.... sigue así majete!!!

    1. ¡Hombre, cuánto tiempo! ¿Has vuelto a los pinceles? Qué buena noticia. Estoy viendo que has retomado el blog, esta noche cotilleo :)
