
Twilight of the Summer

 Making up titles for these posts is becoming increasingly challenging. More World of Twilight today!

These belong to The Kedashi Swarms KS campaign, which I have been into for some time. I had to split it into small batches and now here you have some more lysergic lizards! (Hmmm, note to self, I have to reuse that catchphrase as a title in some future post...)

These are the Abrok, some fearsome creatures indeed. Quite strangely, when I first saw their terror bird looking, I immediately got a Tzeentch vibe, and I could not get away with that idea. As much as I tried to envision any other thing, the Lord of Change kept on whispering on my ear, and I knew that it was pointless to resist. I went for a deep blue palette turning into purple and eventually to red. I used both red and the yellow dots to set my path apart from a pure Tzeentchian approach, but I guess you could use them for that setting if you really needed to do so...

Can you hear them? Listen: Chhhnge! Chhhnge!

The thing is that you can take all the terror away just by sculpting these beauties, the tiny offspring of the Abrok. Now you could not fear such a cute family, could you?

It looks like that tiny Akitii is about to become breakfast!

Next thing is this "Garkrid Infestation" pack. As usual, I didn't want to visit the official World of Twilight web before for any reference, as I don't want to get my own vision conditioned by other people's art. So, for my own interpretation of the sculpts, I soon thought of them as kind of larvae sprouting out of their cocoons. Using this palette, with fleshy and purple subtle washes, I wanted to emphasise that aspect and make that carapace to look soft and squishy:

You should be saying eeew with disgust right now

The Naralon Critters pack is quite an eclectic one, as none of them look any similar to other. They are just dwellers of the forest, so you can populate your board. I tried different colours, but for that Zazu-like bird, which I painted just at the same time that the Abrok above (but man, I do like the pattern!)

Three critters get into a forest...

The Howler on the left on the next pic is quite the very first exception I think I've done in all these years, as it's the first time I'm using brown (or any other earthy, 'natural' colour) for any creature in this project. But once again, it was once of those things you just see when you have the mini in your hands for the first time.

Looking definitely strange in a colour that actually exists in nature

The last one is the Swarmcaller, the fella who can summon the creatures of the forest to do their bidding. I'm afraid the pic below has burnt the colours, I swear the cloth wings have quite more variety of tones.

Least impressive swarm ever

This is it for today. Let me finish with a group shot:

About time to use that board. Now I need a backdrop

I still have some minis from this campaign pending, so be ready to expect more!


  1. Per usual with these Twilight figs, you really bring to the fore their exotic qualities with your colour choices. Really like this selection! When do we get to see a game with them all?

    1. Thanks! I'm afraid none of these are mine, these are all a commission for a friend, but I'm definitely compelling him for a game with tons of pics!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I usually take these as a palette cleanser, it's kind of therapeutic to me :D

  3. You are creating quite the menagerie Suber, which will look awesome populating your boards and making for lots of awesome/deadly encounters.

    1. Thank you! There are a lot of inspiring sculpts among these ranges, I've sometimes been tempted of making conversions for my own settings (which in fact I once did: https://oldschoolworkshop.blogspot.com/2017/02/through-looking-glass.html)

  4. On the plus side, if you ever form a goth band, "Twilight of the Summer" is a good name! I really like all of these, especially the Abroks. The colours are great and the blending is really cool too. It makes me want to buy a load of Twilight models. Nice work!

    1. Hahaha! You made my day with that :D
      Thank you! Have a look at their ranges, they have some pleasant surprises!

  5. Great jobs on the critters, especially like the Abroks.

  6. Excellent stuff, Suber, your colour choices are just wonderfully alien and the Abroks in particular look amazing!

    1. Thank you! Choosing colour patterns (and not repeating them!) is getting more and more difficult every time! :P

  7. Fantastic colors again Suber! Love that you came back to the dino/lizard project again. Very cool stuff.

    1. Thank you! I still have a final batch from this KS campaign, so I'll eventually get back to the project, hopefully soon!

  8. Splendid looking figures, a lovely colourful bunch!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you! I sometimes struggle and fear to go too over the top, but for now things keep on coming together!

  9. "I'm afraid the pic below has burnt the colours" ... yeah, sometimes what we can see with our naked eye is way better than what a camera can ever capture!

    1. It happens, doesn't it? I constantly struggle to get pics right, but I... well, I still have some margin to improve :P
