
Ork bikes

 Today's title is quite self-explanatory! I had an old RT Ork Bike, which unfortunately experienced a RUD (Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly -Thanks Ben for the term! I'm defintely using it! XD) 

It could use a repaint too!

In addition to that, I'm the luckiest, happiest man on Earth, as I had these other three bikes, courtesy of most gentlemanly Iain from Caveadsum1471. I had to complete the bikers with a few other minis and got to this point:

Biker fellas

 The poses of these Orks made them pretty suitable for a rider, so I really had little conversion work to do, except for the driver, which was repeated. With a subtle work I took the mohawks out and changed the weapons.

As I'm more into a Roguetraderesque Ork army, I mean, prior to Clans and so, I felt I could use some variety of colours. Though red was obviously the tying feature for them all, I went for other colours specially on the banners, where I used the kind of style I've used in previous pieces. So with that in mind I ended up with these:

The original one, refurbished

The horned skull on red field is the tying element for my army

Neither of the minis were original bikers

The banner may look weird for Orks, but it ties these with the Viking theme

They look happy

So I could call this a day and say I'm finis... No!

Bonus minis!

I also had some of the modern plastic bikes. Not in best condition, but enough to build another three:

Well, when I said "modern", I meant this model, of course

What do you mean they made new models after this one? How so?

The slightest of conversions to turn the helmet into a cap

The biker is a Gorkamorka model with original biker arms

I had partial bits for a fourth one, but I couldn't make them fit into a whole single model. Maybe in the future with some more time. But for now this is it:

Boorn to be wii-iiiild

There and back again

The Ork army keeps on growing!

I'm also just back for some days off with the family, so I'll be trying to catch up with your blogs in the next few days!


Banelord Titan

 After my recent incursion in old school Epic titans, I was a little bit uneasy. Those were cool, yeah, but I really didn't have any opposing behemoth, nothing that could ever stand against any of them. Well, yeah, techincally speaking I currently don't have any functional army of any faction whatsoever. But that's not the point. The thing is that I had this:

And had to do something about it

It's just the body and carapace of a Warlord Titan, but I think I needed little else to start with. I had a Banelord Titan in mind, the Chaos equivalent to a Warlord (and in fact it takes the very same model as a basis).

So I threw random stuff at the body

The organic arm is from an old Tyranid Biotitan (I used to have a few Epic Tyranids back in the day too, but now they're long gone), but I thought it might work on this project. Finding a suitable head was an issue. I considered some options:

Too terryfing, had to be discarded

I can work with this one

The head is a mask from the old WH40K Decimator. I would try to mimic the classic Bloodletter head. So I repositioned the horns and made an elongated head:

The first attempt was too crude and thick

Second one looked better

This turned out mostly as expected:

Don't step on my freshly cleaned flooooooor!!!

I'd say that this is roughly my idea:

Someone should tell him that smoking is bad for health

After some priming it began to look more coherent, if that's the word:

I ran out of black spray, so I had to improvise with what I had at hand

Some classic colours later...

I tried some plasma beam effect on the organic arm

A brief recap on the weapons. It's supposed to have a single mounted 6-missile launcher on the carapace, but also to have another gun on the tail. Though I considered adding a tail (and dismissed the idea as I didn't have any suitable bits for that), I wasn't ever putting a gun on it, sorry. So I'll put two weapons on the carapace.

First one was easy, as I had some Titan stuff remaining

But I had no clue of how would I scratchbuild a missile launcher, until I remebered the light of the old Leman Russ tank:

Those spikes always looked so Chaotic to me

Loudspeaker or missile launcher? You'll only know when it's too late

As I had added those bannerpoles (just a couple of nails!) I had of course to add... well, banners:

Arguably not my best job, but they'll work

So a Banelord Titan, you say?

Banelord Titan, or a really angry guy

Imperial designation Bloodshedder

Registered incidents through M.31 until present day

The Bloodshedder (formerly Augustus Gloriosus) is a Banelord Class renegade Titan, from the rebel Legio Sanguina. It's despicable actions have been recorded all over the galaxy across the millenia, and it is said to have vanquished several equal or higher class Titans (though a Vermillion Level authorization is required to acces to such data, so very few people within the Collegia Titanica are in disposition to confirm that information). Fear precedes its appearance, and it has a fierce reputation of always engaging directly the hardest opponent on the battlefield, no matter its Class or location.

The Battle of Cormorina VII, 4255634.M37

Well, I got the itch of Epic! I don't have any real plans, so I can't tell if I'll keep on building more stuff. However, I have some broken old bits and they might be usable, but I don't think it will happen in the following weeks. I'm currently working on different stuff, I'll try to have it finished through the month.

Cheers all, enjoy!