
Ork bikes

 Today's title is quite self-explanatory! I had an old RT Ork Bike, which unfortunately experienced a RUD (Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly -Thanks Ben for the term! I'm defintely using it! XD) 

It could use a repaint too!

In addition to that, I'm the luckiest, happiest man on Earth, as I had these other three bikes, courtesy of most gentlemanly Iain from Caveadsum1471. I had to complete the bikers with a few other minis and got to this point:

Biker fellas

 The poses of these Orks made them pretty suitable for a rider, so I really had little conversion work to do, except for the driver, which was repeated. With a subtle work I took the mohawks out and changed the weapons.

As I'm more into a Roguetraderesque Ork army, I mean, prior to Clans and so, I felt I could use some variety of colours. Though red was obviously the tying feature for them all, I went for other colours specially on the banners, where I used the kind of style I've used in previous pieces. So with that in mind I ended up with these:

The original one, refurbished

The horned skull on red field is the tying element for my army

Neither of the minis were original bikers

The banner may look weird for Orks, but it ties these with the Viking theme

They look happy

So I could call this a day and say I'm finis... No!

Bonus minis!

I also had some of the modern plastic bikes. Not in best condition, but enough to build another three:

Well, when I said "modern", I meant this model, of course

What do you mean they made new models after this one? How so?

The slightest of conversions to turn the helmet into a cap

The biker is a Gorkamorka model with original biker arms

I had partial bits for a fourth one, but I couldn't make them fit into a whole single model. Maybe in the future with some more time. But for now this is it:

Boorn to be wii-iiiild

There and back again

The Ork army keeps on growing!

I'm also just back for some days off with the family, so I'll be trying to catch up with your blogs in the next few days!


  1. Una auténtica maravilla ver esa hora motera. Me encanta ese estilo oldschool, con los estandartes al viento y repartiendo Dakka con todo aquel que se acerca. Puro amor

    1. ¡Gracias! He intentado darle un toque lo más Rogue Trader posible, sin demasiadas florituras, ¡pero con muchos colores!

  2. Wow, it's amazing how small those original Ork bikers used to be...but damn they look great. Lovely Job pal.

    1. Haha, they were small indeed! But just like so many other models of the time, they have their own charm :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! They were definitely fun to do :D

  4. te han quedado geniales..... casi me incitas a que repinte las mías del gorka morka :)

    1. ¡Gracias! Uf, tengo tod mi Gorkamorka pendiente de recuperar. Y buggies. Y más cosas. Uf, qué agobio XD

  5. Awesome looking bikers, I'm glad they found a good new home!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you so much! They've been such a sweet pleasure to build and paint!

  6. Awesome work on all the bikes Suber, and both styles look good next to each other, and great gift from Iain

    1. Thanks! They're quite different, but somehow they combine in a proper way. I still have some more vehicles, we'll have to discover how they all fit in when together!

  7. Fantastic work Suber!
    Just need a Grot on a tricycle 😂

    1. Thank you! Haha, I have to confess that for some time I've been thinking about a unit of Gretchins riding segways XD

  8. Loving the new riders! They look great and add some really nice variety

    1. Thanks! I needed some different models, and these worked surprisingly well. In fact there were some others that could have done the same role too! I may have to use them in future vehicles...

  9. Oh boy, do these take me back!

    In the late 80s I had a small Ork force and the prize elements amongst the small force was a single half-track bike and a buggy - all in metal! I think I had that and the Space Ork Raiders box... and that was about it!? GW stuff wasn't so easy to access for a teen in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, at that time.

    Mine weren't so gorgeously painted as these - but there was a lot of red on them!!

    1. Oooh, I know the models! I'm not sure if I still keep the metal buggy, but those were awesome! I'm so in love with these minis!

  10. Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly ... lol ... that's a good one XD

    1. Haha, unfortunately I can take no credit, but made me chuckle when I learned it XD
