
Spanish ISAF Soldier (Pt. 3 Head & Arms)

Hi again! More WIP on the soldier today.

The head of the model held some issues. First of all, the boonie, though mostly correct, had to be identified as part of Spanish uniform. So it had to bear the Seal of the Army, the crowned Eagle with the Cross of St. James.

Stolen Uploaded from Wikipedia

Tried my best

The other issue was, of course, the scuba mask. This guy has a scuba mask around his neck:

Might find it useful in the desert, you never know

 I wasn't sure of what the hell was I going to do here. After some crazy ideas, I just decided to remove as much as I could with a cutter and sculpt a military neck warmer on it.

The green stuff on the chin is due to a... ehrm... 'shaving accident'

 So, once the head was finished, I glued it to the body:

Looks odd without arms

  Then I went on the arms. They are sculpted as scuba suit ones, so they needed another aspect:

Pockets, pockets everywhere...

So... I had all the pieces. How would they all fit in when put up altogether? Let's check:
The pieces (arms and weapon) are not glued, they need to be painted separately. As you can see, I also had to do some extra green stuff work on the boots and other parts to make the model more accurate according to the Spanish uniform.
So this was the scuplting. Now to the painting. I'll keep you posted!


  1. Muy buen trabajo Suber, he de tener por ahí mi viejo chambergo.
    Un saludo y ahora a pintar.

  2. ¡Muchas gracias! Tú que has conocido este mundo de cerca me podrás decir mejor que nadie si te gusta y si voy bien encaminado :)

  3. But in the end you only used the legs without modification! Hahaha. :)

    1. Haha, right! I had the hope of using the model with slight minimal conversions here and there, but in the end it has gone all wild!

  4. Muy chula la conversión! Tambiés espero verla pintada pronto ;-)

    1. ¡Muchas gracias! Creo que al final merecerá la pena, al principio tenía mis dudas...

  5. Nice. I served with Spanish Soldiers and Airmen in Afghanistan. I learned quickly to love jamon, churros and the thick chocolate drink.

    1. Haha, that's so typical Spanish! I hope that made your time there a little more bearable. Thanks for the comment!

  6. Jamón, churros and chocolate drink... si nos dejaran, pacificaríamos el mundo nosotros solos, con esa receta.
    La figura te está quedando muy bien, ¡pero vaya barbaridad de trabajo que tiene!

    1. ¡Muchas gracias! La verdad es que sí hay trabajo, más del que esperaba al principio :S pero creo que al final merecerá la pena.
